
Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

As Lydia handed him the protein bar and explained their dire situation, Finlay couldn't help but feel grateful for her preparedness. She was a lethal badass with Girl Scout excellence. He watched her with a mix of exhaustion and appreciation, realizing that his limbs were starting to cramp painfully, making every movement a struggle.

Nodding in response to her instructions, Finlay unwrapped the protein bar and took a few slow bites. The nourishment began to infuse a bit of energy into his depleted body, and he washed it down with sips of the electrolyte water, doing his best not to let it spill this time.

His muscles still ached, and his limbs protested every attempt to move, but he knew Lydia was right. Staying put was not an option. After a brief rest, he looked up at her, determination in his eyes despite the exhaustion. "I'm ready," he told her, his voice stronger than before. He knew there was no choice but to keep moving forward, whatever challenges lay ahead.

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