Admission And Conversation (Khun/John)

“Oh,” Khun replies and tightens her coat around her petite and lithe frame. “I…I am…a Walker…I try not to use my ability unless I absolutely have to.” She looks out the window, unable to look at this obviously kind man. Being a Dream Walker is, as her family loves to put it, a true sin against the planet. She is a disease, a problem, a monster.

”They’ll catch you one day and you’ll be executed just like those two Walkers from the TV, Khunara!”

Her father’s words feel like a slap to the face. “I’m…well, I’m obviously a medic.” She tapes the bag. “Was a real good hospital doctor before a year ago. Now, with all the chaos and society being in disarray, it’s difficult to get the supplies I need to help people with.” She adjusts the tights she’s wearing, trying to hide an old rip ar her left knee. It seems forever since she last had something new-ish to wear. She’s able to get things cleaned thanks to laundromats but new clothes are impossible to get when the money you make has to go to food and more supplies for your work.

She feels exhaustion biting at her again, but pushes it away. “So…earth? That’s a nice element.” She comments. “I used to walk around home without shoes on just to enjoy the feel of grass and dirt beneath my feet.”

Why am I telling him this? Am I that desperate for some socializing? Khun, stop being so pathetic!

< Prev : Attempting to comfort (John/Khun) Next > : Judgement of character (John/Khun)