A Long Road Ahead

Highway - Sheridan to Havensbrook

As John Wyndwood stood outside the police station, torn between his paternal instincts and the telepathic advice given to him by the young girl named Lydia, his heart ached with turmoil. He had been waiting for what felt like hours, and the events inside the station had taken a harrowing turn.

Gunfire had erupted within the station, followed by panic-stricken shouts and chaos. John had heard the tumultuous commotion through the thick walls, and he couldn't help but fear the worst. His mind raced as he contemplated the danger his son, Finlay, was now facing inside those walls.

The forty-five-minute drive back to Havensbrook felt like an eternity. John's thoughts were a jumble of concern for his son, dread for the task that lay ahead, and a growing realization that the world his family inhabited had become a dangerous and vulnerable one. The recent events had opened his eyes to the harsh reality that mutants like Finlay faced.

As he gripped the steering wheel, John had a mental conversation with himself, rehearsing the words he would use to explain the situation to his wife and children. He knew it wouldn't be easy, and the mere thought of uttering those hurtful words made him sick to his stomach. But he also knew that their family's safety depended on it.

Upon his arrival at the Wyndwood farm, John took a deep breath and prepared himself for the painful conversation that awaited him. He knew that, for now, they had to pretend to be something they were not, all in the name of protecting their son and each other from the shadowy forces that hunted mutants. The events at the police station had underscored the perilous world they were now entangled in, and John was determined to do whatever it took to keep his entire family safe.

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