Look Out Below

Sewers - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay, still transformed into Lydia, closely followed the real Lydia as they hurried away from the chaos of the police station. His heart raced, and he couldn't shake the fear and adrenaline coursing through him. The sight of Lydia's incredible combat abilities still weighed heavily on his mind.

As they reached a side street, he watched with amazement as Lydia, disguised as a homeless kid, effortlessly slid into a concrete storm drain that led into the sewer system below. His eyes followed her nimble movements, impressed by her agility.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Finlay, in his smaller female form, took a deep breath and decided to follow suit. While he might be agile in his own right, he had never attempted such a feat before. The curves and unfamiliar movements of his transformed body made the task even more challenging.

With a bit of awkward shuffling and some inadvertent bumps against the concrete, he managed to squeeze himself into the storm drain. His heart pounded as he dropped several feet into the awaiting arms of the real Lydia below. She helped stabilize him, preventing him from stumbling further.

"Thank you," Finlay said, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and relief as they both found themselves safely inside the dark sewers.

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