Changing appearances

Lydia grimaced, knowing things were about to get messy. "I appreciate you calling Mr. Wyndwood. I advise you to leave the area as soon as possible to avoid any crossfire, make up a believable lie as to why you're leaving the area. I got your son into this mess, and I promise you, I'm going to get him out of it." Lydia hung up the phone, knowing the call would be traced if she kept the line open too long. Luckily, society was still rebuilding itself - including the technology. Moving into the front seat as quickly as possible, Lydia grabbed Johns shoulder; "I need to handle business. Get back to Cynthia and tell her I'll be home soon. Do NOT follow me." She said with a serious tone and expression before leaving out of the passenger door.
Lydia trekked down the city streets, undoing her braid and rolling it upwards with the ribbon before securing it in place - making it seem as though she had short hair now. She approached a homeless man, possibly a mutant, sitting on a street corner and offered him a considerably large amount of money for his shirt. She turned a corner and removed her clothing, replacing it with only the tattered and dirty shirt. It fell to her knees, disguising her slender gorm and giving her the appearance of a girl who's lived on the streets for a while. Slipping out of her shoes and leaving them behind, she moved back towards the city streets, barefoot. Adding on the few final touches, she reached into her bag and pulled out a small container and rubbed her fingers in dirt, she then smeared the dirt over her face, neck, and arms. Inside the container were colored contacts, both of them a dull brown color. By the time she showed up to the station, she was a short haired, dirty, brown eyed homeless girl. The disguise wasn't going to last long, but it'd last long enough to get her inside.
Johnathan flinched when Lydia's hand came in contact with his shoulder - she had a surprisingly strong grip for a teenage girl.
I need to handle business. Get back to Cynthia and tell her I'll be home soon. Do NOT follow me
Before he could protest, Lydia was out of the van and moving with purpose. He shrugged, deciding to worry about the 15yr old menace later. Turning his attention back to the woman on the street, he offered an awkward smile. "I'm sorry, she's a little ADHD. My name is Johnathan, and I hope I didn't startle you. I'm sure being approached by a strange man in a van when it's dark out raises a couple red flags. I can't tell you how I know, but I know you were thinking about a secret society for mutants. Are you looking to find refuge?"

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