Visiting the City

Cynthia walked back in the room, after sending Lydia out with 4 other mutants to buy clothing and resources for the unground society. She approached Johnathan and the new mutant boy, who were sat down and laughing together. "Well, it seems like the energy in here has brightened up a bit. Thank God for that!" She said with a sunshine attitude. She pulled a chair up to the table next to Johnathan and took his cigarette from his mouth, crushing it on the table in front of him, all with a smile. "Smoking is an outside activity John. Lets be mindful of other peoples health."

Johnathan rolled his eyes with a grin; "I think you just want me to live by your side for as long as possible."

Cynthia laughed and poked his forehead; "Save your flirting for later. We are in the presence of our newest recruit." The boy flashed glances between Johnathan and Cynthia, catching on to the unspoken tension.

"New... Recruit? I'm accepted?" He said, nearly crying again.

"Seems that way. Lydia said you might have the traits of a good cook? Does that sound like something you're interested in?" Cynthia responded, gently holding the boys hand in her own across the table.

Lydia gathered 4 of the better 'soldiers' from the 'runners' table in the chow hall. She had named a group of their soldiers 'runners' because they were the best at getting away from authorities and stealing whatever they might need to steal. The government had started using telepathic mutants to find other mutants, as if the telepaths were some kind of special K-9 unit. And even though the law stated that mutants could use their abilities in their own home, they were still hunted freely by officers. It was rare that court would ever rule in favor of the innocent, if the innocent was a mutant.
"We'll go into the city as a group, but split into teams of 2 once we get to shopping. I'll go off on my own, I need to move quietly. Thia has asked that I surveillance the area for any potential mutants in need of help or saving." She said, tying the end of her braid with a piece of red string. "Lets go."
The group of 5 climbed the stairs up to the house above ground, closing the hatch in the floor behind them and covering it with a rug before they left. Cynthia had saved enough money to buy a good amount of land outside the city, which had an old house and some farm land. Under the house is where her, Johnathan, and Lydia worked together to build their underground safe-haven for mutants.
Lydia piled the 5 of them into a minivan and took off for the city, which they arrived to in a little over an hour. After breaking off into their groups, Lydia went solo to travel the streets in search of any needy souls.

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