The Bad News Coming (JP)

Ever since they'd made it back to the haven, Cyrus made a conscious choice to stay above ground. Given his usual escape method, confined spaces made him uncomfortable. Cyrus tinkered with his bike, making sure the crazy hobbit didn't mess anything up. Supposedly there was a shapeshifter in the underground, and Lydia was willing to use him. Cyrus was still mapping out his plan to help these people, although he really didn't understand why he felt the need to stay and help. He should be in California right now, or Canada. Anywhere but here. If they got into it with E.A.S.T., would he be willing to kill for these people? Kill those he used to consider friends, even brothers... Cyrus wrestled with the scenario in his head while he inspected his beloved motorcycle for the fourth time over. He was so deep in thought he didn't even hear someone approaching from behind...

Cynthia stepped out of the house, wearing a plain white tank top and black sweatpants now. The sun would set within the next couple of hours, and she already wanted to go to bed. But not before going on a short walk and visiting her favorite hidden spot in the forest. She caught sight of Cyrus as she walked down the old wooden porch steps. "Hey, what are you up to?" She asked, approaching him slowly

Cyrus snapped out of his trance, then looked up at woman with a smile, "Just making sure she's all good. Wanna take a test ride?"

Cynthia shrugged. "Why not? You good at dodging trees? I know somewhere we can go." She said, walking closer to him and the bike. She'd never been on a motorcycle, but she always loved new experiences.

Cyrus mounted the bike, then held it steady while Cynthia got on the back. He hit the starter and the bike roared to life, the vibrations intensifying as Cyrus revved the engine. "Where to darling?" He asked with a raised voice.

Cynthia took her place behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso for stability, not knowing how else to hold on. "It's about a mile straight ahead. The trees and brush get thick at 3 quarters mile." She said, raising her voice so he could hear her over the roar

Cyrus kicked the bike into gear and off they went. The bike weaved in and out of the trees, Cyrus accelerated to show off his control of the machine. When trees became to thick to navigate with speed, Cyrus reduced the throttle and leaned side to side, nearly bringing the bike to the ground before raising it right back up. Then he slowed down even more, "Are we close?" He asked.

Cynthia closed her eyes and embraced the feeling of wind on her face - even the smell of the thick woods hit harder at the speed they traveled. "We're close. The trees will open up fast and there's going to be a small body of water, don't overshoot." She warned.

Cyrus nodded his head, signaling he understood. Sure enough, the trees cleared out just ahead and Cyrus came to a stop at the water.


"Well, I'd say we're here."

Cynthia hopped off and glanced around, smiling. "It's beautiful, isn't it? I like to go here to clear my head... or take a nap." She said, shrugging a bit

Cyrus put down the kickstand and unmounted the bike too. He walked up behind Cynthina and placed his hands on her hips, then lowered his head to hers, "Is napping what you had in mind this time?" He whispered to her.

Cynthia's eyes widened slightly, the comment catching her off guard. "I thought Lydia was the only one who could read minds." She said, somewhat bashfully, but trying to keep the flirting up. It was rare that she was ever surprised by a flirtatious comment, but she certaintly hadn't expected the boldness.

Cyrus pulled her body in, tight against his chest and... other regions. He didn't really think there was any hope for a meaningful relationship with this woman, but the fling was a welcome distraction for the hopeless misery he'd been contending with in his head. "Well if I recall, you got in my head while I was sleeping too. I guess that makes you, quite literally, the woman of my dreams..."

Cynthia stifled a laugh and draped her arms over his shoulders instinctively. "Well, that's definitely a line I haven't heard before." She admitted, looking up at him through her eye lashs with a flirtatious smile. "You have something less cheesy?" She asked, challenging him teasingly.

Cyrus braced her against him and began to rise off the ground. "No, I don't." He whispered even lower this time, raising higher over the forest. The view was stunning, but Cyrus wasn't focused on the landscape. As they were suspended above the water, Cyrus asked, "Do you want to kiss me?"

"Do you have to ask?" Cynthia replied, locking in eye contact as she gave a more mischievous smile. Without really giving much time for him to respond, she leaned in, her soft lips connecting with his.

Cyrus kissed her back, passionately. It'd had been a long time since he'd been with any woman. The kiss lingered for what seemed like hours. When they broke contact, Cyrus leaned pass her cheek to her ear and whispered, "I think we need to cool off a bit." Then without another word, he dropped them both into the water.

Cynthia laughed once she came up to the surface of the water, adrenaline coursing through her veins. "I thought you said you'd never drop me" She said with a smile as she treaded water

"I didn't drop you," Cyrus protested with faux indignation, "I fell for you."

Cynthia splashed water at him. She rolled her eyes, but she smiled brightly. "You and your cheesy comments." She teased

Cyrus splashed around in the water, trying to enjoy the moment. Cyrus then raised himself up just enough to make it look like he was walking on the water. With a smug look on his face, and his hand extended, Cyrus jeered at Cynthia, "Would you like some assistance darling?'

Cynthia took his hand without hesitation. The sun was setting, the air was getting cold - their surroundings were beautiful, but she'd rather appreciate it from outside the water.

Cyrus swooped them up, then brought them back to the beautiful Harley. "Let's head back. I have a long trip ahead of me."

When they finally arrived back to the front porch steps of the Mayberry House, a large raven landed on the railing about fifteen feet from the pair. It clearly had a piece of parchment affixed to its left leg.

The smart bird sauntered over to Cynthia with an intentionality in its step. This was not the first time a raven had been sent to the safe haven. It wasn’t often, but Perrine had used this means of communication before. Sometimes it was good news, other times bad; however, it was always important.

The raven stopped when it neared Cynthia. It had been instructed to give its message to either her, or Johnathan. It waited patiently for her to react and if she took too long would caw at her to impart that this was urgent.

Inside the rolled up piece of paper it would read: Letter says: “East captured Sophia in Story, WY. You are compromised.” ~PS

Cynthia excepted the paper and instructed the bird to wait as she went into the house to grab a treat for him. After sending the bird off and giving him some seed and dried berries, she read the note. Without turning to Cyrus, she ran back inside the house. "John, you home?!" She yelled through the house. The rug that lay over the hatch door to the safe haven was laid down sideways. This was Johnathans way of telling Cynthia and Lydia that he had gone out and wasn't in the haven or the house. She rubbed her temple, her chest rising and falling quickly as she tried not to panic.

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