Blast Off Like Superman (JP)

The governer was the first to break eye contact. He looked to the side, closing his eyes hard to keep them from spilling what he felt. What Kyra had felt. Lydia crouched in front of him, and in a moment of sympathy, grabbed one of his hands in her own. "Do you have anything that you want to share?" She asked, her voice softer than it had previously been. After he didn't respond, Lydia stood back up and released his hand. "Let me know if you change your mind. We won't judge you if you'd like to show your own perspective." She said before walking away and returning her attention to Prescott. "Did you get a chance to reconsider?" She asked, taking a confident stance beside Kyra. "In case you haven't decided yet, I'd like to inform you that Kyra isn't under my command. If I leave this room, anything that happens after is out of my control."

The senator stayed quiet, but looked up to Lydia with a scowl.

"Have it your way." Lydia said with a shrug. She turned her back on him and untied the governer, releasing him from the chair he was bound to. "You'll want to come with us."


Lydia turned back to the senator, who was staring at Kyra. "Don't tell me what you want, tell her." Lydia jerked her chin in Kyras direction.

Cynthia remained facing the wall, studying the chipped, dust covered wood. "I'm glad you're pretty" She whispered to Cyrus. "Because I have no idea what you just said" She suppressed a laugh. It was her way of coping with stress and tension. That's how she'd gotten this far, she'd laugh when things got too tense for her. Or she'd throw herself into work as a distraction - the latter wasn't an option right now.

Kyra slid the strap of her box off, setting it down on one end and holding it by her. The box itself was as tall as her and only as wide as a rifle would be, but what was held inside was far darker than anything most people would imagine. "What will you do, Senator Prescott?" She asked, her voice a dangerous and silky smooth tone now. Her thumb went to one of the latches on her box, gently popping it open. There were three in all and her hand slid toward the second one. "Will you do things the nice way that Lydia offered or..."

She leaned forward, face close to his, and whispered. "Or should I show you a real nightmare?"

Cyrus grinned, then pushed a playful elbow into Cynthia, "You and I need to sit down and watch some movies." He whispered back, "Shhhhh... you don't wanna miss the show."

Cynthia smiled and nodded in response. She wasn't sure how they'd watch movies - she certainly didn't have the technology for it. But the thought was a nice distraction.

Prescott spat on the floor in front of Kyra. "E.A.S.T can't wait to get their hands on your little safe haven." He started, a wicked grin tugging at his lips. Lydia's eyes shot towards him, and Cynthia whipped back around. Prescott, not realizing the situation he'd just out
himself in, continued. "That get your attention? I thought it would. They're on their way right now ans you're all out here. The most powerful mutants -" He nearly spit out the P in powerful as he mocked them, "You're all here and your base was left unguarded."

"Put him to sleep" Cynthia said between gritted teeth. "I can go through his dreamscape and find out everything there is to know "

Lydia shook her head. "Cyrus, can you take her and the governer upstairs and wait for us?" She asked, motioning for the governer to walk to Cyrus. "If you can contact John and Khunara, do so immediately. Kyra and I will need a few minutes."

Cyrus shook his head, "I can be back there in 15 minutes if I fly, I'm... really fast." He quickly unfurled his pack of smokes and started dragging down another, he needed the boost. Food too. He needed food. "Does anybody have anything to eat? I need calories to burn."

Kyra pulled a protein bar from her jacket pocket and tossed it to Cyrus. "Be quick about it." She ordered and whipped back around to face Prescott. "If you're telling the truth you're a fool for thinking they can really capture that place." She warned, her mind going to Johnathan and El. Those two were strong power wise, but if El was actually captured. The poor girl could barely handle an insult! How would she deal with a capture like that?

Kyra only hoped the spiders would keep El safe.

"Sorry about this, but now we're the ones in a hurry." She said and closed the latch to her box. Lifting it, she smacked the end against Prescott's head to knock the man out.

Cyrus quickly devoured the protein bar whilst also power dragging his last cigarette. He would need as much energy as he could muster, time was not on their side if the Senator was telling the truth. Cyrus pointed to the ceiling, then with the twist of his wrist the roof peeled open. Suddenly, the dust around him began to levitate off the ground, his heels sunk into the dirt then


A residual wave from the force-field blasted the dirt away as Cyrus launched into the air. In seconds he completely vanished from sight. He'd be back in a flash.

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