Page That Therapist (JP)

Lily(fin) felt a surge of something from deep inside. It was a flood of emotions that came with a young girl’s hormones. It was different than his usual reflexive responses to feelings and he found himself involuntarily crying. A better description would be sobbing, that was turning into an ugly cry. It was probably exasperated by being exhausted and hungry at the same time. He looked up apologetically, as if he didn’t know how to turn off the waterworks.

Johnathan sighed to himself. Watching Lily cry was like watching his sister cry. He closed his eyes for a second and saw flash glimpses of his younger sister, crying as she died slowly in his arms. Then he saw the time she cried because the family dog had torn apart her favorite doll. The time she cried because she had a nightmare, so she went to his room for comfort rather than their parents room. When he opened his eyes again, he instinctively went to the closet to grab a gown that would fit better and another blanket. "You can change in to this, I'll stand outside the door. Let me know when you're done changing so that I can come in and change the sheets." He said, his expression as soft as his tone had become. He laid the gown and blanket on the chair and walked out of the room.

Lily(fin) crawled out of the wet bed and took off Ben Taylor’s shirt. She still couldn’t stop from crying, her mind spinning around with so many thoughts. Johnathan could hear it even being outside the room. As she got dressed, she tried hard to take deep breathes. It had a calming effect and by the time she was dressed and curled up in the chair, the sobbing had reduced to soft sniffles.

Lily(fin) wiped his face with his sleeves and then had to move his long hair out from his face. “Ready.”

Khunara returned with a nurse and looked at Johnathan. "He needs to go back to normal. Is there any chance we can get him to do that?" She asked.

Johnathan leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before returning his gaze to Khunara. " We can try, but ultimately, he can only change back to normal when he's ready. Lydia had said something before about being able to force him to shift, consensually of course, but I don't think we have another telepath who's abilities are that evolved." He thought for a bit before his eyes grew brighter with an idea. "I'll page the therapist. Axo. She can probably help." He said before slowly opening the door to Finlays room. "Ladies first." He smiled at Khun and held the door.

Lily(fin) looked up sheepishly from behind a curtain of long hair framing her young face. Her face was splotchy and nose red from all the prior crying. She was curled up on the chair, knees to chest and arms around legs, holding herself.

Khunara walked into the room and let the nurse take care of the sheets. Thankfully the mess hadn't reach the mattress. "Finlay, is there a chance you can think of something that will ground you? What is something you can feel? Taste? Hear?" She was trying something simple and gestured for Johnathan to go ahead and call the therapist.

Johnathan paged the Therapist while Khun spoke. He hadn't known Axo very long, she was more of a friend of Cynthia's. But he knew that she was great with children and teens, and she'd always shown a great deal of sympathy and empathy when the situation called for it. He silently hoped that she'd have time to start working with Finlay on his lack of control over his abilities.

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