That's Not Demitri (JP)

Johnathan stood up and grabbed his bowl. "If quitting smoking means you'll spend more time with me, then I agree that it will benefit me in the long run." He said as he grabbed her bowl from the table. He brought the empty dishes to the sink and began washing them, hiding the reddish tint that had brought heat to his face. "Can I walk you down?"

Again, his words made Khunara blush. "I would love to have your company on the walk back." She said with a sweet smile.

Johnathan quickly washed the two bowls and took his place by Khuns side. "How's that Finlay kid doing?" His minor outburst on Finlay was still fresh on his mind. He had always been protective of El because so many people put her down because of their arachnophobia, but Finlay wasn't trying to be rude, he was scared... and a kid. Johnathan internally cringed, thinking about his reaction. He opened the hatch door to the haven underneath and motioned that Khun could go first.

"Last I saw of him he seemed to be doing well." Khun replied as they made their way down the many hallways of the underground. The further they went the more they passed people. All of them watched the pair going by, little whispers following. Some of the nurses, as they made their rounds, giggled.

It was when they turned down a final hallway that they ran into what looked to be Demitri in odd clothing. "Demitri?" The doctor inquired, noting the odd attire and his slumped nature. This was nothing like the soldier she had met earlier. "Why are you here? Where are your escorts?"

Demitri(fin) was laying up against the tunnel wall, no shoes and swimming in the oversized clothes of Ben Taylor. His body language gave off the vibe of a homeless person resting on the side of the road, inappropriately taking up a little bit of space in an ambulation path. When Khunara called out Demitri, he didn’t react. That wasn’t his name after all. In fact, he looked almost half asleep.

Realizing someone was talking to him, he finally looked up. “What?” He said groggily. Then he realized who it was and his expression looked like he just got busted.

"I asked what you were doing here? Where are your escorts?" Khunara repeated with a slight frown. "Your paperwork said you were to be under constant surveillance." She stepped toward him as if to help the man up. "Lets get you to your room. You look horrible..."

Demitri(fin) was more dead weight as she helped lift him up to his feet, making it rather difficult to manage his taller and solid frame. He felt like he had run a marathon and his stomach embarrassingly grumbled it’s annoyance for being neglected too long.

“I wanted to get out.” Demitri(fin) was actually thinking he was Finlay in his half asleep state.

"You're under strict surveillance, Demitri." Khunara retorted seriously and looked at Johnathan for help with lifting up the other man.

Johnathan quietly observed the man as Khunara spoke with him. He hadn't met Demitri yet, but he'd heard of him - the solider that tried to capture Lydia. He was supposed to be strong, fast, vigilant - this man was none of those things. In fact, the way he slumped and the oversized clothes gave off the impression of a child. "Finlay?" He questioned, stepping closer to help him up to his feet.

< Prev : Curry For Joy (JP) Next > : From A Man To A Child (JP)