Off To Lunch (JP)

After the discomfort that was visiting Demitri and tending to his wound, Khunara finally made her way upstairs. She only glimpsed a fragment of what had been going on outside, getting a little information over it from El before she went to meet Johnathan for lunch. She recalled him mentioning being in his office doing paperwork, so that's where she went to check first.

Johnathan sat at his desk in the house upstairs. He subconsciously pushed his reading glasses higher up on the bridge of his nose as he read through paperwork for every division of the safe haven. Most of the paperwork was hand written in pretty letters and organized neatly, courtesy of El. His stomach grumbled at him, but was easily ignored because of the stack of work in front of him. It was his job to go through weekly reports consisting of how much food was being consumed, how much food was being grown, which traders brought what items and what the safe haven had given in return for those items. He had separated the stack of papers into categories - people, trades, food consumption, crop growth, electricity management, water management, and a few others. The headache that had tortured him every time he sat down to go through the reports started nagging him once again.

Finding the door, Khunara gently knocked on it. "Johnathan, are you ready for lunch?" She asked in her soft and kind tone. She dared not open the door for fear of being rude and was happy to wait. Her mind kept going to earlier, to how he touched her hand, the way he treated her. His display of kindness toward El was beautiful, as well. It was rare to see people treating a person with her obvious mental struggles so kindly. The girl was, from what she'd witnessed, very sweet.

Johnathan brushed his fingers through his hair and sat back in his chair; "I just need a minute or so, you can come in and sit down for a bit if you'd like." He said, trying to keep his tone even so he didn't sound irritable - which was a common complaint from most women he'd met. He started paper-clipping the similer piles from the category 'people' as he organized it by name and put the reports for each person in alphabetical order to be filed later.

Opening the door, the dark haired doctor stepped into the room and offered a smile to Johnathan as she took a seat. "Take your time, but don't push yourself too much. A person can only do so much." She explained and watched him calmly.

Johnathan smiled, sort of, and looked up from his papers. "Everyone is kind of overworked right now. We have El documenting nearly everything she can see, tough, smell, hear, or taste. Cynthia is always working out our trades, Lydia's keeping everyone safe and carrying out mission after mission, and now you have every patient there is." His smile turned more genuine, softer, almost. "I don't mind having a lot of work to do - it's mostly sorting and organizing anyway." He finished paper-clipping the last few reports on new comers as he spoke.

"Well, I have the nurses helping me." Khunara pointed out as she stood up and brushes her shirt absently. Her fingers fiddled with the fabric a little as she contemplated what they should eat. "Do we have ingredients for curry? I would love to make some."

Johnathan stood up from his desk and stretched his arms upwards above his head. "We have some vegetables and spices, I'm sure we could made it work." He said as he stretched. "What do you need?" He asked, now walking towards the door.

As they made their way toward the kitchen, Khunara explained the ingredients she would need and did a little small talk with Johnathan, even laughing at one of his rare jokes. In the kitchen, though, she did some exploring and found most of what she needed with his help before she started prepping the meal and cooking it. "Have you ever had curry before?" She asked as she chopped up a few last vegetables.

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