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Character E

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The Horror Of Lightning

Location: East Facility

7 hours after attempted escape...

Evelyn's mind was foggy as her eyes began to flutter just a bit, trying to fight the grogginess that kept trying to push her back into slumber. They were keeping her doped up harshly this time, more than usual, but she had to fight it. She had to resist the pleasant urge to drift into the safety of slumber again.

“...lyn,” A familiar voice broke into her subconscious. “Evelyn.” She knew the voice, knew who it belonged to.

“What's the point of doing this, doc?” Another voice. A cold voice.

No! She thought and forced her blue eyes to open slowly. The world was blurry colorful shapes all around her, lights bright enough that they made her squint her eyes a bit.

“If you weren't so rough with her it wouldn't be needed.” The kinder voice reached her ears again, letting her know where she was. The medical wing, possibly getting something done for her. “Why did you do it anyway?!” The tone suggested anger toward the other person.

There was a snort. “She shouldn't have fuckin' tried to run!” That cold voice rang around her like a nightmare, reminded her of the pain she'd been suffering for years now.

“Language, Kalahan,” The doctor chided. “If you're going to be rude, get out.”

“No, I gotta keep this bitch in check.” The man, Kalahan, retorted. “Now, get your damn x-rays done on her stupid back or I'm just gonna drag her back to her room and lock her up again.”

There was some movement as the blurriness began to fade. Colors focused and shapes became people, object and so much more. A soft humming sound escaped her as she tried to turn her head, but found she couldn't. Something was impeding movement of any kind, actually.

“Stay still, Miss Ivanov,” The kind voice of her doctor came. “I'm getting an x-ray done of your back. The bruising that formed has me worried.”

“Keep talking like that I'll assume you're a mutant sympathizer, doc.” Kalahan growled out the words, but got no response as footsteps left the room.

It only took a few minutes to get the scans done, to see there had been no damage to her bones, but the sounds of machines always made Evie uncomfortable. The loud whirring, the clicking of snapshots being taken with radiation just to look inside at her bones. It always made her think of those rare experiments where they hooked her up to things, made her think of the more painful things. They'd opened her up without offering any relief from the pain before...

There was a wet warmth touching her feet and legs as Evelyn's blue eyes seemed to open up to reality. That same warmth was coating her fingers and palms as she took in the sight of red all around her. Lifting her hands, she watched it drip from her fingers, splashing back into what was all around her.

That was when she took note of the stench – burning flesh.

Looking all around, she saw them. She saw the other mutants that had been in the little room with her, in the other chairs. It had been a group experiment to see how the serum effected them all at once.

What had happened?


The voice was surprising to hear and Evelyn gazed down at the owner of it lying before her. No, beneath her. She'd been atop them, straddling their waist, it seemed. Only, the torso was no longer connected to the legs.

“Monster...” The boy that was about the same as her choked out, blood all down his chin. Those brown eyes looking up at her were full of both fear and hatred.


“Time to get back to your room, little monster.” Kalahan's voice brought Evie back to reality. She hated that nickname he used for her. In fact, she hated him more than any soldier, scientist or mutant hating human in this whole place. If there was one person she truly wanted to rip apart with her bare hands it was him.

Just like they'd made her do all those years ago.

A familiar pinch struck her neck as a fresh dose of the medication was injected into her. He understood the dangers of her, the threat that was Evelyn Ivanov and took no short cuts in keeping her in check. That was how this soldier had survived six years of watching over her. It was also how he got away with doing what he always did to her.

Kalahan had to both drag and lead her along down the hall in her doped up state. In the end, he always had to carry her, which he seemed never to mind in the end. Not that it stopped him from demeaning and insulting her the entire way to her prison of a room.

Once in there, he dropped her to the sad excuse of a bed and started to strap her down, like usual. It was all routine, usually, but there were times he did things. Horrible things.

Today was one of those times.

She hated it, hated him, and would delve into her mind and bed the medication to take her deep into that dark slumber. If she got lost in her nightmares, she could pretend she wasn't here, wasn't near this monster.

The hell within her mind was far more comforting than the literal horror she endured in this world.

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