Off To Steal A Ride (JP)

Cynthia's eyes glazed over. She had always been a deeply emotional person, but the thought of E.A.S.T doing such horrible things over and over again sparked not just sadness and sympathy, but rage. "We will get her back." She confirmed.

Lydia broke her locked in gaze and turned her attention to Cyrus as they trekked through the woodlands. "You make a good point." She started. "My youth still leaves me blind at times. I hadn't considered what mutants have done to humans." She looked forward again, watching the ground near her feet. "What would you have us do?" She asked, looking for a less violent alternative.

Cyrus appreciated the fact Lydia was actually listening. It's likely she doesn't even remember how bad things were when everything first started as she would've only been what, 8? Maybe 9? Cyrus pondered a moment before turning back to her, "First and foremost, I suggest we find a vehicle. You realize how maddening it is for a guy who can fly to walk anywhere? Secondly, I suggest we do not televise the abduction of government officials. Broadcasting terrorism doesn't win friends or influence people in a positive manner. Instead of threatening political prisoners, maybe you could use your abilities to evoke their sympathy. Turn them to our side, or at least the side of fairness. The reality of the situation is that normal people are never going to feel comfortable with us just living our lives. Imagine how you would feel if you could never be sure whether or not your decisions were your own, or you were being mind controlled?"

Kyra didn't have much else to say and caught up to Cyrus and Lydia. "You know, it might help if you let us know what we're doing, too." She told the pair in a serious tone.

"We're discussing a possible change of plans." Lydia said, her tone as dry as her expression. "Rather than killing the senator and the governor, we're going to try and reason with them. If we can find common ground, we might make powerful allies rather than powerful enemies." She paused, grinned, stopped in her tracks and turned her full attention to Kyra. "You want to steal a car?" She asked.

"It's not stealing if it's abandoned on the side of the road." Cyrus chimed in.

Kyra looked at Cyrus as if he were the most boring person she'd ever met. "Stealing is more fun, sugar plum." She said and smirked before looking at Lydia. "One five finger discounted car on the way."

With a turn, she slipped away to find a car to kidnap. The poor man that had left it out in the open would return to realize he should have locked it up better...

Cyrus didn't really know how to react to that. The Highway was teeming with abandoned vehicles and full tanks of gas. Was there even anyone out here to steal a car from? Whatever, as long as they weren't walking. Cyrus levitated upwards and sprawled out like he was laying on a floating mattress, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. With his hands folded behind his head, Cyrus gently bobbed up and down beside Lydia as they... well... she continued walking. "I think I'll just take a nap, wake me up when we get there." He jested.

Lydia rolled her eyes but smiled. "Maybe you could keep my sister company. I have a feeling she's taken a liking to you." She responded in almost a whisper.

It took a few minutes but the rumble of a truck engine would grow louder as it got closer. Kyra nearly hit a tree as she slammed the breaks and turned the wheel, skidding the poor truck to a halt in a way that made it tilt slightly. Settling back on all four tires, the driver side door opened and the wild woman hopped out. "Vehicle gotten! Who wants to drive?!" She chimed.

Cyrus flew upwards to avoid the moving vehicle, then gently dropped back to the ground. "I think that's a fantastic idea" he said to Lydia, then he swooped backwards toward Cynthia. "What's cooking, good looking? Your chariot awaits ahead."

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