Step 2: Get Food

Underground Mutant Community - Wyoming

Finlay, now clad in Ben’s baggy clothes but still barefoot, wandered through the underground corridors, trying to recall the route he had taken during the tour to find the communal dining area. He passed a young girl using her telekinesis to organize books in the small library and an older man instructing her in the process. Despite his best efforts to mimic Johnathan’s confident demeanor, he couldn’t shake the feeling of knowing he was coming across as awkward.

Finally, he stumbled upon the dining area, where the smell of food made his stomach growl. He saw a lady, Tessa Miller, with her black chin-length hair and piercing green eyes, sitting with her three children: Emily, the 10-year-old, and the 8-year-old fraternal twins, Jackson and Lily. The kids were giggling and enjoying their lunch, creating a scene that drew Finlay in despite his initial hesitation.

“Hey, Johnathan! Come join us!” Tessa called out, waving him over with a warm but curious smile. She had spotted him wobbling about looking like a lost puppy.

Finlay hesitated but the children’s excited expressions convinced him to join them. As he approached, Tessa’s eyes lingered on his oversized clothes and bare feet.

“Hi, everyone,” Finlay said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. He sat down, carefully, feeling the kids’ eyes on him.

“Mr. Johnathan, why you dressed like that?” Jackson asked, giggling.

“Yeah, and where are your shoes?” Lily added, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Finlay cleared his throat, trying to think of a plausible explanation. “Oh, well, you see, it’s part of a… new grounding technique. Helps with, uh, making my soft feet stronger.”

Tessa raised an eyebrow. “New grounding technique?”

“Yes, exactly! You know, connecting with the earth and all that good clean dirt,” Finlay said, hoping he sounded convincing. He had no idea the Johnathan had earth powers; he was just lucky this reply.

The kids burst into laughter, clearly finding his explanation amusing. “That’s funny, Mr. Johnathan!” Emily said. “Do you do this often?” Tessa inquired skeptically.

“Only on special occasions,” Finlay replied, forcing a grin.

Tessa chuckled, though her skepticism remained. “So, what brings you here looking like you just rolled out of bed?”

“Ah, you know, just… checking on everyone. Making sure everything is running smoothly,” Finlay said, trying to keep his answers vague.

Jackson piped up and interrupted the adults talking, “Mr. Johnathan, can you show us some of your powers?”

Finlay blinked, caught off guard. “Uh, powers? Oh, right, those. Well, not in the dining area. Don’t want to knock over any food. Speaking of food, what are you all enjoying for lunch?” He directed his question to the kids and looks at their plates with eyes the size of saucers.

The kids stumbled over each other to answer his question. The combination of their replies matched what was on their plates and sounded delicious. “That sounds sweet.” Finlay added in a way that once again made Tessa tilt her head in question.

Finlay started to get up. “I think I will try some too.” He nearly tripped and felt over from the table but managed to right himself and then awkwardly balance himself with hands outstretched while standing still. “Whew. All good.” He laughed nervously and then worked his way to where the food was on display for the taking. He began plating from the buffet line, only to be surprised when Tessa came up alongside him.

She whispered, coming in closer, “Johnathan are you drunk?” Her tone was a mixture of concern and judgmental accusation if he was in front of kids.

Finlay coughed in surprise. “Drunk? No I don’t even drink. Pssh. That stuff is nasty.” He kept moving down the buffet line trying to brush off the question.

Tessa kept following, “You are acting very weird.”

Finlay paused and looked her in the eyes. “It … it has just been a long day already. And I … I just wanted to be silly. I have to be way to serious all the time.” His excuse was weak but plausible he thought.

Tessa looked unconvinced. “Is that so?”

Finlay chuckled nervously and bowed slightly to her. “Yes ma’m. I’m a goofball. The rest is just an act.” With a quirky gate he left the buffet line and made his way back to the table with her kids.

Tessa followed, she didn’t have much longer before she had to get back to her work shift, but she wasn’t about to leave her kids with Johnathan acting a fool. Something felt off to her.

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