Getting to know each other

Johnathan chuckled under his breath between bites of food. "I guess I don't really know how to have fun." He admitted. "I grew up in a well off but very busy household, and when I lost everyone, I almost immediately got to work on this underground society - which took a LOT of time and effort, and still does. So... I think somewhere along the line, I just forgot how to take time for myself." After a momentary pause of silence and another few bites of food, he offered a gentle smile - seemingly unaware of how sad his story really was. "What about you? Any hobbies?"
Cynthia wanted to smile and relax a bit when the woman agreed to do an evaluation, but could see that she was struggling to really be okay with it. Cynthia took in a deep breath, being glad she wasn't the one having to look into this woman's memories. "We do the evaluation right here." She said before turning her attention to the guards. "Please go on the other side of the gate, I'll call you back in when we're ready - privacy is needed." The guards nodded in agreement before lowering the earthen door and raising it again once they were on the other side.

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