Headaches Are A Common Thing

Khun’s face flushes slightly as she lets the nurses care for Finlay, her gaze meeting those deep blue eyes of his. Something about them gets her lost in a personal sea of beauty, the sky cloudless and the breeze fluttering her hair. She wants to reach out, to take his hand and reassure him that she’ll be fine, but she knows she’s not. The headache that is coming is a sign of her power usage. It is not that she used it too long, but that she has not used it in some time.

Headaches are a given when it comes to this.

“Something to drink sounds lovely,” She finally tells Johnathan. “I also need a little pain reliever. Getting the boy to come back to the real world took a lot more out of me than I expected it to since I don’t use my ability very often.” It is an admittance that she does not tell most and she cannot understand why she is telling him, but she is. “The nurses should be able to keep an eye on him while we go to get something to drink and eat.”

It is also a way to keep herself awake. As much as she wants to go back to bed and lie down, she knows she cannot. The life of a doctor is a constant call to help. She refuses to let them down after all the help given to her thus far.

“Mind leading the way?” She asks John before noticing someone in the doorway. “Uhm…I think you have a visitor?”


Sophia watches the pair let Perrine in and chooses to sit on the ground with her wolf-dog, Honey. Still petting the fur of her companion, she watches Tessa and Malic with skepticism. What does everyone have against a wolf? She does not understand it and does not understand these people. A part of her feels she is better off on the road.

Perhaps she will leave after giving the doctor her thanks. She does not like being cooped up inside a building or underground anyway…

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