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The Wind Leads

If one is to ask Sophia how her life got to this point, she would simply tell them, “The wind did it.” After which she will proceed to give them the middle finger and blow them away with a harsh gust of rage filled wind. Her snow white hair rustles in the cold breeze of winter as she makes her way along another path, slowly making her way toward this place she hears so much about.

Well, she thinks she’s going in the right direction. Honey, her wolf-dog, seems to think so since she’s leading her along this dirt road. The heightened senses of the wolf within her companion is a strong ability she is thankful for each and every day. It saves her constantly from the police or those that mean to do her harm. Deep blue eyes that resemble the ocean scan the area, hands hiding in the comfortable confines of her coat pockets.

Her wardrobe is akin to that of Native Americans because she constantly finds a fascination in them and their cultures. She’s gone so far as to learn a few of the languages, survival skills, and even hunting. Her life revolves around living how she wants now, especially now that she has a power she can appreciate. Not that her father will agree, but she cares little for what that old drunkard thinks. He’s in his own grave thanks to his negligence and love to get drunk.

Honey sniffs at the ground for a moment before looking back at Sophia. Something about those gold eyes tells the white haired girl that she needs to follow her companion, trust her companion. The wolf-dog never leads her astray and the scent they follow belongs to a girl that helped her not too long ago. She wishes to thank the medic for all the kindness she once bestowed upon Honey and herself. The medic did not have to help, but she did, and she saved two lives - hers and Honey’s.

Letting out a soft whistle, she catches up to the wolf, heavy boots crunching along the dirt path. Glancing around, she takes notice of the darkness looming in on the horizon. She needs to take shelter and keep warm, but there seems to be no shelter anywhere. Not even trees surround them in any direction at the moment and she refuses to return to that filthy city that stinks of toxic waste.

They will have to make due with the open area. It is dangerous, but Sophia is no weakling. Her entire life is a fight for survival so this only adds to the challenge of that. “You think we’re almost there, Honey?” She asks in her whispery voice and keeps pace with her companion. “I hope you’re right. Otherwise, we will need to stop and set up camp out here in the open. Winter is not kind this year, you know. I’m not covered in fur as you are.”

Honey merely blows air out of her nostrils and nudges Sophia’s hand before giving it an affectionate lick. It is her way of saying she understands what her human is suggesting, but there is not much either of them can do.

“I know,” She says with a breathy laugh. “It is in the wind’s hands.”

And so they continues to follow the scent of Khunara Takomoto…

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