A New Beginning

There has been a rumored sanctuary for mutants much like my self. I am very excited to meet the family and see the wonderful home they have created. Not sure how to get there or how to find my way or what I will have to go through when I do get there but I am ready.

I was forbidden to come near my family again after I destroyed our home and caused and earthquake they gave me one chance to leave before they called EAST I am no where near prepared to deal with them. My powers came in fast after the rupture. I knew I was mutant before the rupture happened. But I have grown exponentially stronger since then and what's weird is.. Well I'm not ready to deal with that quite yet. Something is pulling me to this unknown place I think I found where I need to go to get to this sanctuary. I hope they will let me in otherwise I fear I will be killed.

Several days later I find myself in the middle of the woods some where in the mountain range. I need to set up camp and get warm I am freezing. I hear someone approaching. I see a woman carrying a man. "Hello? Who is out there? Is there anything I can do to help" She is carrying a man I wonder if I can trust them I will help until I have my answer. "I have water and food, And I am going to set up my tent you guys can gladly have it."

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