
Owl Creek - Wyoming

Finlay considered demanding her to take a rest; however, the resolute expression on Lydia's face instantly told him she had made up her mind and nothing was going to change it. Perhaps it was less of her making up her mind, and more her understanding the dire situation they were in and how imperative it was to keep moving forward. Finlay followed, his pace slightly slower than Lydia's, which meant occasionally the distance between them would stretch and Lydia needed to slow down for him to gain on her.

Even though he had longer legs, he was struggling. The ordeal he went through, caused by the telepath, had caused his muscles to seize up and cramp; it hurt to move. Anytime he stopped moving though they would tighten up again, so continuing to move was preferable. All the shifting had worn him out to a point he needed food and water, much much more than Lydia was able to provide. His blood sugar had dropped on top of his dehydration, making it very difficult to produce energy to keep going as well as to heat his body. The hypothermia was causing his shivering fits to intensify and hard to keep his eyes open. Yet onward they both marched.

Dealing with the immediacy of the struggle made it difficult, if not darn near impossible, to enjoy the scenic beauty of the alien-hybrid world of Owl Creek post-rupture. It was fantastical and nature untouched. It also made conversation darn near impossible as well. Finlay's chattering teeth, groans, and running nose were about all he could project.

Finlay couldn't recall how long they had been walking on this last phase of their trek. It was dark, save the lights in the heavens and the bioluminescent flora and fauna punctuating the environment. They got nearer and nearer to their goal with each step. That is what he kept telling himself as he trusted this girl to lead them where they needed to go.

Eventually though Finlay went past zero. He had no energy left, no reserves to dig down deep and keep going. His eyes just rolled back into his head. He could feel himself passing out, but couldn't do anything to stop it. He couldn't even stop himself from falling over. His limp body hit the ground and was motionless. The sound of the impact the only thing which signaled up ahead to Lydia that something had happened.

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