Make shift meal.

"I've lost count at this point." Lydia responded, opening a can of salmon. "Sorry if the smell of fish gets to you, but we don't have a lot of options." She said with an awkward smile, trying to make the best of the situation they were in. Using a plastic fork, she started eating small bites of salmon. Fish was never something her stomach handled well, or her taste buds, but she forced it down her throat despite wanting to gag with every bite. The past year she had learned that in the new reality they live in, you always do what's necessary - no exceptions, no excuses. If she threw up the fish later, at least she had it in her system long enough to digest something, even if it was only a little bit. "We don't have too much further to go before we can surface - if, we can surface, that is. Depends on where EAST is. I don't think they'd come to the lake though, Cynthia and I have made them think our hiding spots are in more obvious places. Always throws them off their game." She said, a slight smirk spread on her lips.

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