The Great Escape part 1

Bri had gotten back on the ship, just in time to hear the distress call. "Well, Clive looks like we need to rescue their asses."

Clive beeped. To which, Bri nodded. "Of course we're going to." As she quickly, got the ship in the air Bri added, " Damn Jedi. You know for a group that's supposed to be so powerful, they do need to be rescued a lot."

The ship was up and headed towards the group in a matter of moments.

After breaking out of the Hutt's compound in a hail of blasters and dust the team ran into a hired group from the Separatist to get Anna as well. So a three way fight got out of hand real quickly. Luckily half of the enemy merc team was delayed by the Hutt's minions. After getting to their speeder bikes they escaped only to find they were being chased by some Hutt fighters as well as the other mercs hired by the Separatists. Maxx complained that their day was getting worse by the minute and Captain Blue told him it was not suppose to got down like that. As they were racing away from the Hutt's compound in their speeder bikes, the mando named Maxx had Anna Arkley behind him and Captain Blue had little Abu in front of him. It was rather difficult to dodge heavy fire power in an open sand dune. After Kal-Nar called in for back up, Captain Blue and Maxx tried to return fire on the fighters to buy some time.

Astra yelped as she missed a blaster bult and hot hit in the arm. It was miner only grazing her. " Master we need help soon" She called.

Kal-Nar to was blocking Bolts of blaster fire as his lightsaber was swirling around him. "He block a few more blaster bolts He activated his coms "Captain Blue, any time now we are pinned down." Requested Kal-Nar The blaster fire in the background was intense. "Bri ! anytime now things are getting hot down here" said Kal-Nar trying to talk into his Coms while blocking Blaster's fire.

A hail of blaster fire came for Kal-Nar as they tried to focus fire the Jed it out. Suddenly he ignited another light saber his old master's. The two lightsabers spin furiously around blocking deflecting most of it. As he also spans out of the way. one hit his leg the smell of burnt fur and skin filled the air. Kal-Nar gave a loud growl deflecting a bolt back and hitting the mercenary. The mercenary fell back behind the rocks.

After hearing that Kal Nar and his team was pinned down, Captain Blue spoke up to the Mando named Maxx on the speeder bike next to him.

Blue: Maxx! Kal Nar is pinned down and we can't turn around. I hope you have a plan for this?

Maxx sighed then opened up his coms to Kal Nar as he activated his computer on his forearm.

Maxx: (sigh) Kal Nar this is Maxx. I have an emergency escape plan I was hoping to use later on, but seeing as its past that point, I'm gonna need you and your team to book it as soon as you see the BIG distraction. I put a Thumper in the Hutt's Lair. Once it is activate it will bring in the sandworms. This will give you a chance to escape while the enemy panics. Good luck.

Blue: Are you out of your mind Maxx?

Maxx: Serious problems require serious solutions. Besides it will help cover up the evidence of us being here.

Then Maxx activated the Thumper in the Hutt's lair as a few lasers hit his back armor. He moaned a bit from the pain but continued on.

Then suddenly the ground began to shake around the whole area near the Hutt's Lair. This caused a bit of panic to anyone nearby to stop shooting and look around. Then it stopped and everyone was on edge. Kal Nar could feel the presence of a huge lifeform coming from the side of his enemies and then it burst from out of the ground and swallowed several mercs and guards by sheer luck. The screams of the mercs and guards didn't last long as they landed in the mouth of the giant sandworm.

Seeing an opportunity to escape Maxx and Blue turned on their smoke screens on the back of the speeder bikes to aid their escape back to the hanger.

Bri heard the com, but it cut out. She knew though who it was, and probably why. The ship was going as fast as it could, without actually being in space, to get to them.

Arriving near the area, agreed upon, she spotted nothing but then felt the hit and another. "Shit...," she was being shot at. "I just got her repaired."

Bri returned fire, in the process blowing up a few of the ones attacking her and the others left. She would have to wait here until either someone showed up or told her otherwise.

Looking to see more fire coming from the ground not too far off. "Kal-Nar activated his wrist comes "Bir we are not at LZ we are south of you about a Klick (kilometer) from you. come in low rap down." instructed Kal-Nar.

"Astra, we need to take the Fight to them follow my lead!" Kal-Nar told Astra loudly of the blaster fire.

Looking as Kal-Nar spon around deflecting blaster bolts his chance came as one of a mercenary threw a grenade at Kal-Nar and Astra. He reach out with the force and threw it back at them it exploded as it reached the mercenaries. They all flew in different directions from the explosion. "That will do," yelled Kal getting Astra's attention.

Kal Jumped using the force to land at the point now with cover things started to change quickly in the Jedi's favor. Kal moved almost in a blur with his speed as he cut a mercenary in half the top and bottom of the body separated falling from the rocks.

--The Hutts--

At the Hutt's fortress, they had their own problems and started to call all their reinforcements in. They had all kinds of creepy sand monsters coming at them Bule's team was not too far off with the plan with all the blood bodies and other things everything started to show up at the Hutt's fortress. even the Sand People could not pass this up. A huge battle erupted around the fortress.

-- Maxx and Captian Blue --

Half of the Hutt's men turn off in another direction It was not hard to see something was going on. Even the Hutt's men behind them back off and seem more intent on driving them away than fighting them or just following them.

-- Corellian XS-Light Freighter. - The Eternity --

Bri could see the fight off in the distance the explosion was a big help in spotting the Jedi not to mention their light sabers flashing around was a giveaway she could make it there in seconds if she wanted to. the ship rocked again from a rocket fired at them. The shields held but it was getting dangerous even for a ship.

As they were racing away from the Hutt's compound in their speeder bikes, the giant sand worm was laying waste to the entire area. The survivors were either tying to kill the sand worm in vain or escaping with their lives in several directions. The mando named Maxx had Anna Arkley in front of him since they were being shot at while Captain Blue had little Abu in front of him. It was rather difficult to dodge heavy fire power in an open sand dune but their smoke screens made it to hard to properly aim at them now. After Kal-Nar called in for back up, Captain Blue and Maxx tried to make their way to the ship Bri was flying so they could escape together. Even thought the plan went south they still managed to pull it off and that in itself was a victory for the mando named Maxx.

The ship shook, despite the deflection from her shields. "Come on, girl we can do this." Bri said to her ship, the Eternity. In a matter of seconds, she were by the fighting, shields up as another rocket hit her ship. This time Bri fired back. It was a back and forth between Bri and the other ship, both firing, both ships shields up. Bri could only hope Eternity's shields kept holding.

Kal saw to Y-Wing's fly by the fire in his area blasting the mercenaries around him. That was a bit too close Kal thought. The mercenaries started to scatter in different directions. Something must be wrong for the Dark Angle to send fighters, Unmarked fighters at that.

Bir could see two more fighters coming in at full speed. they identified as Y-wing fighters but nothing else came up. "Eternity, this is Black Patch get out of there!" said the voice as one of the Y-Wings fired on the other ship, and the other fired at the people on the ground targets. Their turret and nose cannons fired rapidly tearing up the men on the ground and the ground itself. The ship that was firing on Bri was starting to smoke. As the Y-Wings flew past and start to turn.

Y-wing fighters? Clearly more was going on than just a fight to retrieve someone.

"Well, Clive looks like the Calvary has arrived." Bri's comment to the Droid was meant with a few beeps. "I agree, let's get the hell out of here."

Bri flew the Eternity, as fast as possible out if there but not before another hit from a missile, this time from a different ship. This one made a direct hit to a shield, causing damage. The Eternity wasn't critical but, once a safe distance away, Bri landed.

"I'll need to check out the damage, come with me." Bri told Clive.

They had landed in a flat sandy area, it seemed to be fairly uninhabited besides the fire fight which could be heard in the distance.

Outside with tool box in hand, Bri said to the Droid, "You keep watch. I'll just check this out."

A few minutes later, Bri head lifted up. "Clive, I've patched it. She's flyable but has some damage, looks like we'll be paying another visit to Zoras."

"Beep, buuurr, beeeep, beeeep." Was Clive's response.

"I do not make excuses to see Zoras. I am particular about who fixes the Eternity. You know that." Bri let out a breath. "Anyway, I have done what I can. I suppose we just wait here, until we hear something."

"Beeep, Beeep, Beeep." Clive retorted.

"Stop that. Let's get back on the ship." They did just that, and then waited.

While using a smoke screen from their hover bikes, Maxx and Blue managed to escape from their pursuers which was a good thing. However the addition of the angry giant Sandworm, the mercs shooting and the blasting from the Y-Wings, made it way to hard to find Bri’s ship. Since it was not a good idea to stop and triangulate Maxx told Blue that they were heading for his ship first. Blue then got on his coms to Kal to report that they were going to Maxx’s ship and would catch up when they were off planet. Anna was not to keen on loosing her freedom again but was not foolish enough to take on a mando. Abu on the other hand was all to happy to be out of his cell and was hoping for a job in the end.

Kal and Astra Force jumped from the rock formation landing in the sand there was a few speeder bikes still in good shape and could run. The Mercenaries had run off back into the desert. Astra and Kal got on to speeder bikes and sped off into the desert towards Bri.

Kal activated his comms on his wrist "Bri! We are coming your way be there in two minutes." said Kal speeding a long.

-- Rescue team--
The Mercenaries behind Blue and Maxx ran off in another direction into the desert They were alone now just the sound of the speeder bikes. they could be at the port in a few minutes if they pushed it.

Once they arrived at Maxx's ship, Maxx, Blue, Anna and Abu quickly got on board and secured the bikes as Maxx prepped the engines. Then Blue loaded the coordinates into the nav computer as Anna and Abu buckled into their chairs. They were still in awe by the amazing rescue they received when their head was on the chopping block. Anna was not a fan of the military but she knew she was far safer with the Republic forces rather than the Hutts or Separatists. Though she had a lot of questions she wanted to wait till they were off the planet first. Maxx and Blue worked like busy bees making the flight plan before blasting off to the rendezvous point. Once in space Anna was told she was needed to aid the Jedi named Kal Nar in his mission and would learn more after meeting him. Blue explained that the mando named Talerian Maxx was hired help and they learned that Abu was a friend of Anna and a good mechanic. In order to ensure cooperation with Anna he agreed to get Abu some quality work.

" is very Mason going to be like this master" Astra called over the noise of the speaker bikes as they headed off.

"I hope not" Kal-Nar replied. The Jedi Master wondered if all the missions would go not as planned. he could not feel a Sith anywhere by but the Master knew the Separatists were probably involved somehow. Could see Bri's ship on the horizon activating his comms "Bri, have you in sight, one minute out," informed Kal.

"On standby, the cargo bay is open." Bri knew the two Jedi should be able to just pull in to the cargo bay, and park their bikes, before coming to find her.

Kal-Nar saw the cargo bay open and drove right in ducking just a bit to miss the top of the door. With Astra, right beside him they parked the bikes and secured them. Walking to the bridge of the ship. "Take off and fly towards the city. there is another ship we will meet there and hopefully get off this rock." Instructed Kal-Nar.

Upon seeing the Jedi walk into the bridge, Bri hit a button which closed the cargo bay.

"On it," Bri put in the coordinates and they took off towards the city.

Activating his comm's again Kal-Nar communicated with Maxx and Blue. "Maxx, Blue we are on our way to you. Be ready to get off this rock," said Kal-Nar with some optimism in his voice.

Astra tried to stay out of the way. She went to see if she can help Clive. No sooner dose she find the Droid she finds herself on a dark place with yells and screaming.

She puts her hand to her head and practiced walks right into the poor Droid. " I'm sorry people are dyeing" She said her voice mad it clear she was shaken. The question is what had her shaken the blaster wound in her side or the vision. She had no clue. She turned and ran to the bridge.

" Master have you made contact with the other team " She asks.

"Called no response yet." Bri commented as she continued fly. "We should be meeting up with them in a few minutes."

" can we move any faster " Astra asked an emergency to her voice.

"Do you have any idea how fast we're going?" Bri asked. It wasn't as if they were going slow. "I can pull out all stops, but that would require you both to sit down."

Kal-Nar turned to his Padawan "Patience young one. We will get there." said Kal rebuking her outburst.

" yes master" She said.


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