Love N stuff part 3

She felt like she had been kicked in the gut. Betrayed. He didn't want to go back? His grandfather had changed his mind? She smiled at him " of course I'd love that..I can't wait to see you. " She said and kissed sweetly. This wasn't what she had hoped. She wanted to go home. But at least she had him.


Rainey rested her head on his shoulder. And let him hold her. She was so thankful to him and finally able to say everything she couldn't before. There was still a small part of her that cringed inside from the physical contact a part that wanted to run. Maybe that would heal in time. For now she forced it down and turned her head to kiss his cheek. " Thank you. "


Marley smiled brightly " oh well than I'm sure we will be seeing a lot of you around." She tilted her head " was it a assistant or something? The doctor we met last night?" She honestly didn't know. She checked her phone again. Sam would be here for her soon. But in the meantime talking with Dr smith wast so bad And he was cute. He looked young for a doctor. She thought as she looked back up at him.


Kate leaned into him " what better way to lift the weight than being distracted...what do ya say ranger? " She ran her hand up his chest and leaned in to kiss him breathing against his lips as she spoke " wanna distract me?"
She ment it to. This had always been Kate's way. When things got to heavy for her she resorted to one of the two Fs fighting or fucking. And she didn't really want to see if she could take embery in a fight. Plus he was kinda a hero so that left the other F.

< Prev : OOC - mark smith Next > : Hot and Sweet