
Raul finished up once the class was over submitting the hard drive over to the editor so they can send it off to the teacher. As he walked to the hallway he felt his stomach growl, as much as he wanted to head to the lunch room first he had to go to the counselors. When his parents agreed to let him join the school part of it was he had to do mandatory counseling sessions, all the appreciated that they cared about him and wanted to make sure he was fine after the incident he had just wish they'd let him go at his own pace. As he approached the office he let out a sigh before undoing his bandages to enter, one of the counselors rules was he couldn't keep his arms covered during sessions.

Overall the session had gone well he had told them about meeting everyone and the party he attended as well as classes. Towards the end of the session though she had made a suggestion for him to get more comfortable without covering his arms, one suggestion was recreational activities by the water it's just pools,beaches ,boats, etc while the other was at the art department was always looking for interesting models for inspiration. Telling the teacher he'd think about i, he stepped back out of the hallway and began the annoying task of rewrapping his arms.

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