Image of Light Bug

Summary: A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead

Light Bug

Owned by:

Gender: None

Age: over 1 million

Group: Misc


A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, and which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. It buzzed around inside the projection like a bug, hence the name of the device. The inner workings of the device resemble a long, tangled bunch of party popper string when configured for soft light, and a small, sleek-looking electronic device when configured for hard light.

Job/Skill/Physical or Mental Flaw

A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, and which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. It buzzed around inside the projection like a bug, hence the name of the device. The inner workings of the device resemble a long, tangled bunch of party popper string when configured for soft light, and a small, sleek-looking electronic device when configured for hard light.


A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, and which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. It buzzed around inside the projection like a bug, hence the name of the device. The inner workings of the device resemble a long, tangled bunch of party popper string when configured for soft light, and a small, sleek-looking electronic device when configured for hard light.

Physical Appearance

A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, and which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. It buzzed around inside the projection like a bug, hence the name of the device. The inner workings of the device resemble a long, tangled bunch of party popper string when configured for soft light, and a small, sleek-looking electronic device when configured for hard light.

Personality and Interests

A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, and which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. It buzzed around inside the projection like a bug, hence the name of the device. The inner workings of the device resemble a long, tangled bunch of party popper string when configured for soft light, and a small, sleek-looking electronic device when configured for hard light.


A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, and which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. It buzzed around inside the projection like a bug, hence the name of the device. The inner workings of the device resemble a long, tangled bunch of party popper string when configured for soft light, and a small, sleek-looking electronic device when configured for hard light.

Favourite Sayings

A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, and which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. It buzzed around inside the projection like a bug, hence the name of the device. The inner workings of the device resemble a long, tangled bunch of party popper string when configured for soft light, and a small, sleek-looking electronic device when configured for hard light.

Favourite food

A Light Bug is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, and which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. It buzzed around inside the projection like a bug, hence the name of the device. The inner workings of the device resemble a long, tangled bunch of party popper string when configured for soft light, and a small, sleek-looking electronic device when configured for hard light.

This character is owned by:

Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Light Bug
Mentioned in the post Progress Jul 30, 2023, 2:42pm
Mentioned in the post Ramming Speed Dec 30, 2021, 7:59pm
Mentioned in the post Can we go home? Dec 30, 2021, 1:10am
Mentioned in the post Anticipation Dec 28, 2021, 4:48pm
Mentioned in the post The Morning After 3 Nov 21, 2021, 12:12pm
Mentioned in the post The Morning After Nov 14, 2021, 7:51pm
Updated character profile Nov 13, 2021, 12:54pm
Updated character profile Nov 13, 2021, 12:20pm
Mentioned in the post