01.02: Monarch

I had been rescued myself, not like this traipsing through woodland but rescued nonetheless. I had been going insane for some time but luckily for me my big sister Betsy recognised what was happening. She had had the same kind of telepathic interference herself some years back. She had come through the otherside unscathed and mind blind, as she put it. She had contacted the man who had helped her.
Professor Charles Xavier.
I am a telepath, fairly low level it’s true but for a year I had been trained to block out the chaos of the mental outpourings of the leaky human minds around me. Even with the Professor gone I am still using what he taught me to develop my mutant abilities.
Right now I am in the state of Maine, attempting to find a newly awakened mutant that Cerebro had detected. The machine had never been that accurate and without the Professor at the controls of it, it was even less so.
Jack Cooper, the youngest teacher in the school, and I had been assigned the task of trying to find and help the young mutant. If we could we would get her to the safety of the Institute. They could help her there.
Jack’s car was completely impractical for a job like this but there was no telling the guy, and he had driven all the way up here in it. Luckily I had hired a Landcruiser.
As we walked I found an odd marking in the soil of the path and wondered if that was something left by the girl. I had caught a mental glimpse of our target earlier but she was at the very edge of my range but that was how I knew that we were after a girl.
As we were stationary I was scanning for her again.
She was scared, sad to say that was normal for a fleeing mutant. Running from someone, not the first one of those I had had to go after either. But the ‘someone’ she was running from was the source of the fear. It wasn’t me and Jack.
“There’s someone else after her Jack, she is on the run from someone.”

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