12: Ni-Bump-ght - Part Two

Jenny listened to Ayala. "Oh. Sorry." She never saw the point in jumping to the future you can't prepare for that. You can prepare for a jump to the past.

"You'll have to do the banishing. I have no way to do that, at least that I'm aware of. Would have been nice if I could have helped some of those ghosts move on, but my company was the best I could do for them. As for the future and spears. If enough EMP goes off and then if all the adults are wiped out between wars and plague, the children if any survive the plague will be left to raise themselves then spears and the like would eventually be the only weapons left. At first, guns would be used but with no way to produce more ammo the guns will be abandoned. There are other ways to pull off that post-apocalyptic scenario." She has been thinking about the future a lot lately, almost exclusively post-apocalyptic scenarios.

"So how do we find this malevolent spirit? We can't just wait till it makes itself known again right?"

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