17: Namor McKenzie - Ryusaku Harada

A surfboard would have been more responsive to the hug. Ryusaku was horrified, actually horrified, by the unexpected intimacy.
“Please do not do that again. I do not like…”
Physical contact.
“...being hugged.”
He considered the idea of strangers coming into his room, it was an idea he had always avoided acting upon. He saw no reason to change that.
“People do not need to hang out here. There is adequate space provided for socialising in the recreation and common rooms. Personal private space is an imperative.”
Namor asked about uniform. Ryusaku wondered why people thought there was latitude in the uniform code. Did they not understand the meaning of the word?
“The uniform requirements will be covered during your induction but as a rule uniform is worn during the normal school day.” He went to his wide wardrobe, opening it he pulled out a suit carrier which he unzipped. A navy blue jacket with red trim was revealed. “The trim of your blazer will be a light grey. You will also have to wear grey trousers, white shirt and a school tie. What shoes you wear is left up to you but they must be black. It is unwise to breach the uniform code.”

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