19: Shen Li

"He offered to help you," Shen said trying to remember how one spoke with Americans. He had no idea if McKenzie was older or younger, and so chose to speak with him as an equal. "Beyond that I do not know, I have only been here for half an hour."

He stood, realizing that the new boy had continued to chat about the school, but the situation felt awkward, and he could not ignore the fact that Min had left angry. "I should see to him, perhaps we can talk at a better time," he said, heading towards the door, where he stepped out of his slippers into his shoes.

He gestured for McKenzie to step out. "Perhaps we can speak later, your roommate should be able to help you based on what Min said." He closed and locked the door, heading in the direction that he had heard Min speak from, hoping that he would not get lost.

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