07.18: Dead Girl

Once the mirror was destroyed Jenny was able to calm down. "Grozit! Sorry about that." She started picking up shards intentionally avoiding looking at each piece directly. "I have purposely avoided looking. On the rare occasions I was able to use lakes, ponds, & rivers to bathe I could ensure the water never showed an undistorted reflection. Then I accidentally saw it and I didn't like it." She was purposefully but not consciously distancing herself from her own reflection. "It's not as bad as I imagined. I still don't like it. I'm not stupid, I accepted long ago I would look different. I knew it wouldn't be normal but I don't even recognize myself. My hair isn't even the same color anymore grozit!" She finished picking up the pieces off the floor. She sat down on the toilet. She sat the trascan on the floor between her legs. "Sorry. I promise not to break anything else intentionally."

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