04.21: The Xavier Institute

“Suits me,” Harry said.
This was not what he signed up for when he agreed to join the X-Men, he had thought he was going to be doing something useful. Nothing about this felt useful.
He had had enough, it was back to Manhattan and the sanity of magical study for him.
When they got within twenty minutes of arrival he called the Institute up and told them he was bringing in a first contact.
As he pulled up he was pleased to see Val Cooper-Xavier waiting for him, but now was probably not the time to offer his resignation.
“Hi Val. This is Dead Girl. Dead Girl this is Valerie Cooper-Xavier, head teacher of the Institute.”
The blonde woman was quite tall and fairly elegant, she proffered a well manicured hand. “Welcome to the Xavier Institute Dead Girl, please come with me to my office, I am sure you have a lot of questions.”

(NOTE: Please don't take Harry's irritation to heart, it's RP, he is a surly lout a lot of the time)

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