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View character profile for: Alexander Williams The Lion

View character profile for: Aurora Korray
Stll Shaken
Posted byPosted: Jul 26, 2023, 3:37pm
JP by red_sword7 & Lily
Aurra's attendant knocked on the door to Alexander's office. " I'm sorry to bother you, sir, it's Aurora. Do you have a moment" She called?
Looking up Mr. Williams placed some files and Ipad on one side of his large desk. "What is the problem?" he asked with a small smile.
" She is pacing and refuses to eat, she restless and well we are all on edge sir," She said.
Mr. Williams started to look concerned. "where is she now? when was the last time she ate?" asked Mr. Williams.
" Yesterday sir, she will eat just enough to keep herself from going mad. She is in her room" She said gently.
Mr. Williams gave a sigh and stood up "I will go see her." He said walking around his desk. "Thank you for informing me," said Mr. Williams walking out of his office and going to Aurra's room.
Aurora know he was coming she turned towards the door before he even knocked. " Yes Alex" she called.
"Aurora, can we talk?" asked Alex through the door using a caring tone. Alex had thought to just walk in He was the prince and he had that right. But decided to take a softer approach. He was not sure if he was ready for being a Sire. His Sire was right it is a lot of work and he could remember some of his days and how other Vampires tried to use him.
" You know you can come in whenever you want," She said opening the door.
"That is good to hear," said Alex with a warm smile well as well as a vampire could give. Vampires were not known for their humanity or expressive feelings it gets lost over time. Alex was a very young vampire. by most standards but experienced. He had been one of the youngest Vampires to make Prince of a city. Aurora was even younger just starting out.
waking in he embraced her in a hug. "Aurora, how are you feeling?" asked Alex as he stepped into the room and closed the door.
" I- I'm fine," She said almost automatically. There was something behind her words that made it clear she was not fine.
" I mean I... how did they do it. They I Had guard, and they were after you" She said in a rush. Confusion and fear danced across her face as she spoke. It was more than a little unusual for the skater.
Alex gave a sigh, then smiled. "Also, don't lie to me about the way you are feeling I can see right through that. You don't have to worry about what happened. It was nothing you did. I was at fault and let my guard down too much. I also think they had some inside information. witch when I find out who they are will pay dearly" expressed Alex with a smile.
"You are in a new world now and things are just done differently. With the bad, there is so much good. You are back now and safe now. I have changed who and when others guard you. Even Lia volunteered to guard you. She might not seem like she cares but she does in her own way. " explained Alex.
"I have been worried about you. I have not seen you eat enough you need to rebuild your strength. So we can do more together. If you need time we have plenty of it. just don't take two thousand years. I don't know if the world can wait that long for you to show back up." said Alex trying to encourage Aurora.
She looked up at him. " I'm afraid. I- What if they had gotten to you through me? How do you live when life scares you" She asked.
"But they did not." his tone was a little bit more stern. "One thing I was told when I took this Job from my Sire. I am not alone that's why Prince always has a staff of Vampires and all with their own abilities," explained Alex. "Alone yes I would have been in trouble. But I was not and that is where the others that abducted you made their mistake. and I have not lived this long by making a lot of mistakes." Informed Alex.
Alex took Aurora into his arms and held her close. "With all that said let's not let you be abducted a regular accordance. You don't have to worry everything is settled. I am here and so are you. You need time fine but eat and get out some either I or Lia will be with you. So you have no worries." Ales says with a smile.
" you still could have been hurt. I finally found someone I want to be with. I can't lose you." She said.
She looked up at him. " Can we go skating together again?" She asked after a moment.
"Yes, we can go skating only if you eat, and stop worrying I am here. Now get yourself together and we can go skating later tonight just let me make a few phone calls," replied Alex.
Aurora smiled "ok," she said and kissed Alex
He Kissed her back and still held on to her "I hope you feel a little better now" asked Alex.
" Some, and your right the world can't wait thousands of years for me to wake up. I font even think you could survive an hour" She said with a sneaky grin
"An hour maybe but not a minute more." Replied Alex with a grin of his own.
I wish to explain something to you. Why I spared the vampire hunter." said Alex thinking of Aurora. "I think we forget who we are as Vimpiers. and a lot of other vampires do not like my views. Humans yes you can think of them as cattle or food. But at the same time, we must take care of that resource. Like a cattle rancher, we must take care of that food. Also, they are intelligent and adapted quickly. There are far more humans than Vampires so if they were to really get together and hunt us down we could become a thing of the past. Which brings us to the masquerade and why we need it" explained Alex.
"Over time you will lose your humanity it can't be helped. But don't forget where you came from. Show compassion sometimes even if you don't feel it. If you show that you are not a bloodthirsty murdering monster. People might see you in a different light. Sparing that Vampier Hunter does that. I am taking a gamble yes she could be a plant to get information on our operation. If she is that she will die like any spy." said Alex with a smile.
"Now you saw I have little responsibility with her If she is killed for betraying us. Well, I did my part by giving her a chance. I just want you to know the risk. and if she does work out maybe in time she might reveal what she knows of other Hunters." Alex said still holding Aurora.
" You have no clue. She would not even have been alive for you to find had I not cooperated with them. They were hurting her and threatened to kill her right in front of me. I could let them she did not deserve that no one deserves what those monsters did to us. " She said.
She glared at Alex " There not cattle they are just like us. I'll remind you that you fell in love with a human" She said. What was said was completely lost on her.
" You are right about that time will tell us what we will be in the future. To be honest about Hunter. If the Vampires were not hurting her something was wrong in that situation. nevermind all of that it is over. I have to get back to my work or I won't have time to get out with you. why don't you change and come to the office so we can eat together." asked Alex.
" Of course," She said and kissed him. Then she turned and moved to get an outfit to change into. One of the office-approved outfits she was not really happy with any of them but she would wear them to spend time with Alex. He made the trouble worth it.
"Shall we?" she asked as she returned to his side and hugged him. Before playfully biting his shoulder. There were no fangs or blood it did not even hurt. She was just being playful for a moment. She know Alex needed to see her being playful.
"You look wonderful, yes let us go," said Alex with a smile. He chuckled at the bite. he just pulled her in and walked with her to the office.