Summary: Learning her way, Romantic, Dedicated.
Delaney Morgan
Owned by:
Gender: Female
Age: 25 ghouled at 25
Group: Ghouls
Game: Vampire the Masquerade in New Orleans
(other possible skills TBA as she is a new Ghoul)Assistant to Angelica Giovanni
Fluent in Gaelic, English and Italian
Organizational skills
Necromancy: Necromancy: is a form of blood magic that deals exclusively with the world of the dead.
Potence: Grants Vampires supernatural strength.
Presence: supernatural allure and emotional manipulation which allows Kindred to attract, sway, and control crowds.
Dominate: overwhelms another person's mind with the vampire's will, forcing victims to think or act according to the vampire's decree
Sire, Angelica Giovanni, Giovanni ClanGhoul is a term used to describe a minion created when a vampire gives a bit of vampiric vitae to a mortal without draining him or her of blood first (which would create another vampire instead).
Powers and Abilities
As long as a ghoul has vitae in his body, he does not age. If the ghoul cannot get his monthly feeding, he will slowly lose the vitae and the powers that come with it - including catching up with the years. A ghoul without vitae reverts quickly to his real age, and those who have far outlived a mortal life span rapidly turn to dust.
Feed just about any living creature a little vampire blood and it becomes a Ghoul, at least temporarily. In VTM, ghouls are omnipresent servants, easily created, and heavily abused - although networks do exist to assist them in escaping their masters. A ghoul’s emotions run to extremes with the heady drug of vitae in his veins — such a creature often falls prey to great rages and disturbing cravings. The name “ghouls” was not chosen at random.
These creatures are created when a vampire feeds his vitae to another creature. Mechanically, this vitae is treated as a single point - for one lunar month, the ghoul has a point of vampiric blood in his system and acquires all the benefits (and drawbacks) of ghouling. Ghouls can hold multiple blood points in their system, but if they try to hold more than a human capacity, it has unpleasant side effects until the vitae replaces their normal blood. As long as a ghoul has vitae in his system, he remains a ghoul: vitae is lost at the rate of one point per month, and when used to power Disciplines. While a ghoul has blood in his system, he will not age.
Animals can also be ghouled, a tactic particularly favored by the Nosferatu. Animal ghouls tend to grow larger and mutate, the result being a somewhat horrifying parody of the original creature. In addition, almost all ghouled animals develop a taste for blood, regardless of their original diets.
Ghouls are prone to frenzy, although not as strongly as a vampire, but do experience provocation for frenzy more often. In addition, they are addicted to vitae - apart from the deleterious effects of the blood bond, Ghouls are subject to horrible side effects when the supply dries up. Without vitae, a ghoul will rapidly age physically to his actual chronological age, and ghouls over a century will crumble to dust quickly.Ghouls are addicted to blood, and the control of blood is the primary way that ghouls are managed by their domitors — in addition to more traditional techniques like Dominate. The nastiest part of being a ghoul, of course, is that one is a slave to an inhuman monster that treats humans as chesspieces or the occasional light snack.
Physical Appearance
long red hair, green eyes about 5'4"Personality and interests
Delaney enjoys writing fiction and poetry and reading pretty much more than anything else. She also loves walking in nature and spending time just looking the stars.Delaney is a quiet but friendly girl. She is a little naive for her age or was but that is slowly changing. She tends to be a bit of a romantic.
Delaney had an idea to come to America, live in New York, perhaps travel a bit so she should could gain some experiences for her writing. Her parents weren't too certain about this idea,as she had lived her whole life in a little farming town in Ireland and rarely traveled outside of it, except the occasional trips to Dublin.Still, the gave her their blessing, some money and sent her on her way. She settled in New York, found a job as a waitress in one of the middle of the road restaurants. She was good with the customers, if quiet, a quick learner and got along with her co-workers. She would go home every night and make notes of the different people she had seen and what made them unique.
About two years into her stay in New York, she got a call that her parents had been killed in a house fire. Devastated she told her job she was leaving to go back to Ireland and didn't know when she'd be back. They got some money together to help her and she flew back to Ireland. She got though the funeral and settling what little there was of her parents estate and then realized she no longer had anything in common with the people in that small town. So, once again she said goodbye to them but this time decided to try some place new in American and set her sites on New Orleans. She had enough money for a small apartment and to give her time to find a job but she'd have to be very careful for that to work.
The thing was she didn't find work, no one was hiring. She slowly ran out of money. Lost her apartment. She was living on the street when a woman approached her offering her a meal, a warm bed for the night and perhaps a job. Having nowhere else to go so she went home with the woman, who she would later find out was named Angelica.
Favourite Sayings
"May you never forget what is worth remembering, nor ever remember what is best forgotten."This character is owned by:
Character questions
Recent Activity

Updated character profile Jan 5, 2022, 6:59pm
Mentioned in the post Adele's 2 Cents Sep 11, 2021, 11:09am
Mentioned in the post When A Prince Requests A Meeting Aug 29, 2021, 12:52am
Updated character profile Aug 8, 2021, 5:20pm