Showing posts 166 - 180 of 421

Words of advice

May 23, 2022, 12:55am by LaserSexPanther

"Welp." she started. "Plans are as follows. Travel to the next town do a few shows, make some money, hope the trouble makers in our little ragtag family don't go causing any trouble while we ...

Small Talking

May 22, 2022, 9:57pm by Jaxx

Jack looked at Nettle who joined him and asked about his game. Jack smiled at Nettle and replied, "Oh this is a game I learned from my mother. It's called Solitaire and its like a matching ...

Small lady's small talk

May 22, 2022, 1:39am by LaserSexPanther

Eventually Nettle returned free of as much sand as possible, though in situations like this it'd be weeks before it was all gone no matter how many baths she took. She made her way back ...

Table for One

May 4, 2022, 8:16pm by Jaxx

"I'll be trying my dangest to get the rest of this sand from my bretches. But if you needs me I'll be around." she said before toddling off. Jack: Yes ma'am. Jack nodded at Nett ...

Having a chat

Apr 28, 2022, 2:08am by LaserSexPanther

Nettle shrugged at Jack's question. "Probablys just sit around." Nettle said. "Chit-chat. Play cards, avoid playing with Brenton tho, Tall bloke, barrel chest, shiny bald and marvelous musta ...

Secret Agent Man

Apr 28, 2022, 2:00am by LaserSexPanther

“Well if you want our help, start talking, you seem to have more knowledge about this than we do so we can only help if you are transparent about all of it.” Lafayette said, listening in ...

New Guy

Apr 12, 2022, 7:26pm by Jaxx

As the storm howled and beat at the door Nettle walked around her troupe and guards. Checking in on her newest guard first, knowing this was his first rodeo. “Hows you holding out Jack? ...

Caravan to Ohamet pt2

Apr 9, 2022, 1:52am by LaserSexPanther

JP with Ender, Thaen, myself PREVIOUSLY Severos cleared his head, unable to shake the feeling of foreboding. "I admit, I arrived at what seemed to be an uneasy time. But we ca ...

Tale of Two Necromancers

Apr 2, 2022, 9:53pm by Enderslayer

Co-Written with Nim Death's Library, Present Necrosis quietly wandered through his ancient library, the crypt keeper silently reorganizing some books while the servant skull ...

Minds and Magic Pt 2

Mar 31, 2022, 1:57am by LaserSexPanther

JP Thaen Ender & I “Hail, Lord of Lust. You have answered our prayers.” a man in nothing but a cloak said. “But your grace, we have yet to perform the ritual.” the man stated. ...

Minds and Magic Pt 1

Mar 31, 2022, 1:56am by LaserSexPanther

JP: Ender, Thaen, & I Qhualt stood before them, checking the magical currents; by the blessing of the Nameless, the teleportation spell of the Crimson One had been altered to where the tw ...

Rites of Yore pt1

Mar 17, 2022, 4:57pm by Thaen93

A week had passed since the last messenger had come from Soldor's Bastion. That had led Andolliron Starsleeper to believe that something was undoubtedly wrong. He had withdrawn the outer far ...

The Queen and the Corpse

Mar 8, 2022, 9:52pm by Nim

A post written by Nim using an idea Rosemary suggested, Two years prior to the Dark Age beginning in earnest, Of late, the call had been getting louder, more persistent, so much ...

An Alternate Tale

Feb 28, 2022, 2:41am by LaserSexPanther

The dark hallway was illuminated on one end by the moon full and high in the sky, the other faintly by a flickering light where the door didn’t quite meet the floor. Killian stood staring ...

Searching Part 1

Feb 28, 2022, 2:38am by LaserSexPanther

Joint post with T4HJ3R1U5, Enderslayer & myself Shel knelt down to examine a print left in the mud. “Okay, this definitely looks like one of Kalena's heeled riding boots.” ...

Showing posts 166 - 180 of 421