Efficient Way to Live
Sep 15, 2021, 4:47am
((Holigrove Forest, Karavoss))
The walk through the dungeon's secret halls was a rather quiet one, as the two agents of Chaos pondered what might await them yet. They had individually wit ...
Border Crossing
Sep 4, 2021, 1:54am
(co-post Thaen, Ender, Lsp and Rosmary)
Known as The Silver City, Shadrazar rested in a fertile valley that extended between two great mountains and which marked the starting point of the ...
The Necrosis Wave
Sep 1, 2021, 9:07am
Deep within the land between Verden and Dalen reside a graveyard, a grand stone crypt at the center. Within the crypt let to an entrance to an even grander underground city. On top of a gian ...
King of Necromancers ~ Part 01
Aug 29, 2021, 6:52am
Joint Post D2wintr & Endslayer
Necrosis frowned his annoyance at the realization that his thoughts had drifted once again. A soft sigh escapes him as his attention returns to the t ...
Old Mages, Older Powers
Aug 28, 2021, 7:01pm
((Dalen Alps, Nargozond))
The sound of beating hammers upon softened metal echoed in the underground as Gelt watched the Kragan work. Their anger was put into every blow they gave, their ...
The Uninvited Guest
Aug 24, 2021, 3:48am
((Osilon, Karavoss))
When Kalena awoke, much like the previous day, her vision was blurry and out of focus. She looked around. There were several shapes in the sitting room that should n ...
The Legend of Zachary Sainte pt 3
Aug 22, 2021, 5:03pm
JP with Ender and Thaen
"Hearken to me! To the gates! To the gates!" Enanth called, raising a hand for the Dalish to see. Soon, attackers began to fall back. But not fast en ...
(Iron Queen) Execution & Sacrifice
Aug 22, 2021, 3:32am
It was a spectacle of torment and horror as the undead that lay in wait under the crimson sands of the ‘Vale of Tears’ pulled themselves free of the earth to subdue the slave merchant A ...
The Road to Shadrazar
Aug 22, 2021, 1:18am
JP with Thaen, Rosmary, and Ender
It took nine tries this time around, starting with the first set of doors that appeared like magic in the hallway. Some led to interiors of privat ...
All Creatures Great and Small
Aug 22, 2021, 1:18am
JP with D2wintr
The supernatural storm of blue raged outside, terrific bolts of lightning flashing steadily overhead whilst a blazing azure light emanated from the thick low hangin ...
The Challenge of the Gate
Aug 20, 2021, 8:34pm
Joint Post - D2wintr & Enderslayer
The first Lich leaned forward and spoke once more its deep voice filling the chamber once again.
" With what does a wise man struggle with mos ...
The Death of Draken
Aug 20, 2021, 7:24pm
The next day, Draken quickly got dressed and walked out of Za'Leer's tent, greeted by the panic of the other night elves. Concern he summoned his weapons and armor and head towards the direc ...
Draken and Za'Leer
Aug 20, 2021, 5:47pm
Flying for days, Draken finally landed onto the red sanded ground, before a camp of white and purple tents.
His breath was ragged, he noticed a couple of individuals wear the common attr ...