Caravan to Ohamet
Nov 29, 2021, 2:15am
JP with Ender
((Shadrazar, Zatar))
The group emerged from a hidden passageway, Kara leading Horo and Severos clear of the Shadrazar’s outer walls and any one patrolling them. ...
Karavossian Breakfast
Nov 28, 2021, 11:12am
A JP by Tahjerius, LSP, and Ender
((Osilon, Karavoss))
"So, uh" V started, already mounting an attempt to try and clear up the brewing unease in the air. He glanced at Lafayette ...
Orgin of the Crimson Eye
Nov 27, 2021, 3:50am
Jp with Thaen
231 YBTR, Somewhere in Sarnia
Red, that's all Lenore could see. She heard someone screaming, the metallic taste filled her mouth. She had no idea it had beg ...
Gracious Hosts and Ancient tales Part 2
Nov 24, 2021, 1:33am
Soularous inhaled deeply before he spoke, "Over two thousand years ago, as you recalled, I was summoned frequently those days, may it be to give worshippers power, mages knowledge, or simply ...
Gracious Hosts and Ancient tales Part 1
Nov 24, 2021, 1:31am
JP with LSP
Soularous had reentered the home he was summoned from. He silently sat on the floor, by a small table, he laid Jynieth's unconscious form on the cushioned couch. He was ...
In the Nick of Time in a Bottle
Nov 21, 2021, 2:10am
((Shadrazar, Zatar))
In the alley overlooking the Grand Temple to Ar, Orla and Ola stood worriedly waiting for Reise and Severos to come back. Each took turns peeking around the corner to ...
Trial and Jury of Hell
Nov 21, 2021, 2:05am
JP with LSP
After the escape of Jynieth thanks to Chris fake coughing fit, the church official had an actual coughing fit which resulted in him throwing up a fountain of blood and ...
To Karavoss Pt 2
Nov 14, 2021, 9:43pm
((The Inner Sea, Off The Coast of Karavoss))
"And needless to say, that is the current thought, and the reason that we must make haste. Intelligence has yet to be fully gathered, Mother. ...
To Karavoss Pt 1
Nov 14, 2021, 9:40pm
((The Inner Sea, Off The Coast of Karvoss))
Joseph looked out at sea, the elven ship from Karavoss attached gently with a boarding plank. He had made sure to cover his mark, in case anyon ...
King of Necromancers:Part 3
Nov 2, 2021, 9:37am
Joint Post - D2wintr & Enderslayer
Necrosis tapped his steel fingers on the book, "Centuries have passed, I have restored the balance, how I failed to find a worthy successor. One ...
King of Necromancers:Part 2
Oct 27, 2021, 1:01pm
Jp with D2
Necrosis ignored her for a moment as he opened the book, "This is known as the Zhaun'ol de' tangin, or the Book of Days. My greatest suffering." The book floated over to U ...
A Friendly Meeting
Oct 25, 2021, 1:40am
JP with Thaen
((Dalen Alps, Nargozond))
He walked, musing on his talk with Zachary Sainte as The Crimson One observed his Kragan. He watched as they dumped the ceramic vat into ...
Below Deck
Oct 23, 2021, 3:24am
((At sea off the coast))
After the commotion had settled down aboard the clipper ship, Saige pulled her white hood over her head, and pulled the strings that held the cloak shut tight, be ...