Gold vs Blue

At the High Heavens
The golden palace that made the Heavens sat apon a great cloud. Atop the highest tower there sat a golden throne that shined light the sun, below it revealed the mortal world from above. Incarius looked down at the mortal world, annoyed. "Those foolish mortals, killing each other over simple things." He got up from his throne and ealked onto the invisible floor, looking foen at a crowded town, all the different races living their lives. "Such pest, all of them should be burned away. However I am a merciful being, only the worthy will be spared and be allowed to repopulate the world, from the ashes a new one will rise. I shall be the great purifying flame, that will burn all the impurities, such as freewill. A mistake of the gods that has only lead to choas and destruction." As he spoke the images changed to conflicts, The Iron Queen, the Crimson One, the Church, all the major powers battling each other for power."Once I become a god, no one will stop me. I will do whatever it takes to save this world." The images changed back to looking down on Aeran, Incarius sat down on his golden throne, "Expect for him..." He rested his head on his hand as he looked at the blue storms caused by Draken.
The Abyss
Soularous tapped his fingers, his ebony throne made from twisted stone was surrounded by blue flames. The dark room was alighted by the blue light of his flames. The Demon King watched from a crystal orb, everything unfolding. "You'll pay for that Gelt, mark my words wizard. When I arrive, no god will save you. You hurt my son, so I'll kill you." Soularous looked at the blue storms, "Seems he did get some of my power after all. No doubt Incarius saw them, I wonder what you will do, my nemesis. Who will win our game of gods, the Angel or the Demon?" Soularous flicked his eyes to the dark hallway, "It's Gold vs Blue, who do you think will win this?" He watched the demons in the shadows, waiting for their command. "We shall see who wins, however I first need to be summoned into fhe mortal world, Aldous was probably right...." He shook his head, "No, I need to save these mortals, I need to protect them. Brother, if you can hear me, help me enter the Mortal World, please." He closed his eyes, the flames dimming own while the orb watched over his brother.

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