A Day Off.

The Goddess Diwa sat atop the dais, leaning her elbow on the arm of the throne she was semi-forced to sit on. Though she’d prefer something more comfortable. Like a mound of pillows, or something similar. Then she could at least lounge. But…then again the chair was probably for the best, otherwise she might fall asleep from boredom.

It was the same humdrum day in and day out. Granting little miracles here and there. Bringing faith to the people, spreading her influence…giving her more power…giving her more responsibilities. A cycle of good deeds for others made her life less enjoyable. Sure she loved helping people at first, but they always wanted more and more and more, and nearly none of them even stopped to consider her. It all bled into noise, hearing only the words she really needed to, to grant the requests.

Out in the vestibule the people stood in huddled conversation, awaiting to be seen by Diwa, their goddess. All hoping their worries and problems would be solved. They nearly packed the room. Leaving only small gaps between them to move and make some sort of indication of the separate groups of people. All caught up in their own lives to not see the tall red skinned man with the long horns, and ornate open cardigan walk through the entrance archway.

“‘Scuse me.” he said politely as he wormed and weaved through the small breaks in the crowd. The tone of his voice never wavered but by the time he managed to get to the large wooden doors at the front, after doubling back more than once, just trying not to push through people.

Not paying any attention to the lone guard watching the door, Aldous reached up both hands to push the heavy wooden double doors open. “Sir.” the guard turned to face Aldous. “The Goddess Diwa is already seeing someone. You will…” he’d began what sounded like a rehearsed speech.

“No, it’s fine.” Aldous interrupted. “Keep up the good work.” he added, pushing the doors apart just enough to slip inside, pushing the door shut behind him. ‘Phew’ Aldous whistled seeing the set up. White Marble…well pretty much everything, that had veins of golden something or other running through it. The ceiling high and arched, making his whistle echo in that hollow way it does in a too long cave. Especially in the near silence of the room, the only other sound coming from a praying farmer.

Even from where he stood he could see Diwa roll her eyes but she hadn't seen Aldous yet. He nearly choked, suppressing a laugh that felt like he pulled a rib. “Nice set up.” he said, his rich and gravelly voice carrying through the whole of the room. Causing the farmer to shriek and turn around in an ungraceful manner more like a flopping fish than actually rotating to face Aldous. Diwa’s reaction was far more subdued aside from maybe her eyes going a bit wider than they usually were.

“D-d-....” the farmer stammered.

“Demon? Yeah I get that a lot. It’s the horns isn’t it?” he asked gribbing them with both hands and shaking his own head with his arms a few times before letting go. “Dead give away. I keep telling them. ‘People are going to spot us from a mile away,’ but do they listen? Not once.” Aldous shrugged.

The farmer took Aldous in, looking him up and down. All the while Diwa was suppressing a giggle. “Blessed lady save me from this Demon of Lust.”

“Lord of Lust actually, It’s easy to get confused. Don’t feel bad about it.” Aldous said, giving the man a friendly smile.

Diwa sighed and composed herself. “Begone foul Lord of the Nine Hells Demon Prince of Lust.” she said waving a hand with a limp flick of her wrist a bright white glow over took Aldous and he put on a show, screaming in pain, dropping to the floor arching his back with feet to the floor supported by only his shoulders, then curling into a ball and screaming again, flailing a few times and vanishing in a puff of smoke.

“Praise you Blessed lady Diwa. Thank you. Thank you.” he said bowing over and over.

“Child. There is no need to thank me.” she said, “I did what needed to be done to that foul creature.” she said, and hated the next part. “Pray tonight and tomorrow night before bed to prevent that Prince of Lust or his kin from entering your dreams and corrupting you.” she said. “You may leave, when you leave inform the guard to not send in the next worshipper.” she said.

The man left doing as he was asked.

Only a few moments after the door closed, the door to her bedroom opened and Aldous walked out.

“Don’t you think you overdid it?” Diwa asked before shifting in her throne.

“He wanted to know I was done for. I let him think that.” Aldous said doing a quick jog up the stairs to be face to face with Diwa. Letting out his ‘phew’ whistle again. “Hells you look tired,” he said.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and rubbed the fingers against the corners of her eyes. “You would be too if you have to answer prayers day in and day out.” she said. Her eyes popped open to look at Aldous. “Do you know what I’m the goddess of?” she asked.

Aldous tilted his head back and scratched his chin. “If I remember right it was…” he thought a second longer. “Fresh water and healing?”

“Fresh water and healing.” she said in confirmation. “And wine, and the harvest, and fertility, and, children, and wealth, and prosperity, and weaving, and the hunt, and…and…and…everytime they think of something they need they all start asking me for it. Just me.”

“Didn’t this area use to have like…twenty gods?” Aldous asked, looking around.

Diwa laughed a mad little laugh. “Yes, there was at one time. But they fell out of favor. Then they withered and died. Or vanished. I don’t know. But one day they were just…gone. I was left and a few others. But they found it easier to just worship one.” her look turned bitter. “And they always choose the pretty one. So…it fell to me.” she stuck up a hand. “Don’t go thinking I’m patting myself on the back with the ‘pretty’ comment.” she said stretching her hand out farther and gesturing to the door. “Straight from the horses’ mouths.” she added.

Aldous stood listening to her letting off steam. “I know it’s not really going to solve those problems but…do you need a hug?” he asked, “I’ve been told I give great hugs.”

Diwa looked at Aldous. “That’s not innuendo is it?” she asked.

“Is what….” Aldous stopped realizing the question. “No. Like an honest to Heavens’ hug.”

Diwa quirked an eyebrow. “You’re serious.”

“Which part? The offering a hug or that I give great hugs, because yes.” Aldous said arms outstretched.

Looking skeptical for a moment Diwa stood, and stepped forward, and when she was in arms reach Aldous pulled her in. She was tense for a moment but relaxed hugging him back. “Your skin is hotter than I expected.” she said.

“I get that a lot,” he said “being shirtless doesn’t help.”

“Don’t remind me.” she said pulling away, she re-took her seat. “Now…why are you here anyway. It's a long way from home.”

“Well Aggie is off at school, Umeffaeh is off searching for some Scroll of …” Aldous proceeded to mispronounce the name several times and shrugged. “Something or other. Doesn’t really matter, Something about ‘Star Gods’ or something.”

“So…you were bored?” Diwa asked, shaking her head. “What about your berk of a brother? Couldn’t you annoy him?”

“Nope. He’s sulking or brooding, I forget witch, in the Hells. Can you believe it?” Aldous faked outrage.

“Oh I can.” Diwa said. “So you want me to…what? Entertain you?”

“While listening to all the people out there asking you for stuff you probably shouldn’t give out so freely sounds like a riot, and that was the original plan, the you entertaining me part not the watching the suffering of others part. I think you are the one who is in need of entertainment. Take the day off. We are going to have some fun.”
(end part 1)
Diwa’s pale cheeks suddenly burned pink then deep red. “Wha–I…I’m not that kind of goddess, Aldous.”

“NO!” Aldous shouted unintentionally. “That…that’s not what I mean. I mean drinks, food, and seeing a show of some kind. Or whatever you think would be fun.”

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