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View character profile for: Parvil Vaxil Killian

View character profile for: Aspen Alamoore
Weihnachten 4.: Snowed In pt4
“No.” Aspen said, “That doesn’t even start to cover it.” she said, “This bottle came from a batch during a year when they had a blight in their grape crops. They only had eight casks that year. They usually have twenty. This is…almost astronomically rare.”
“I didn’t think it was that big a deal.” Parvil said, running his hand over his head brushing his hair back. “If I knew it was that big a deal I would have gotten a bottle closer to number one.” he said.
“You would have had to have stolen something like that from a king.” she said. “No this is fine.” She rolled the bottle in her hands and licked her top lip. “Let's have some.” Aspen said. “Not like we have anything better to do.” she added.
Parvil shrugged. “You sure?” he asked. “From your wording feels like a waste of a good wine to just drink it to kill the boredom of a snow storm.”
“No better time. Now quit yapping and get some glasses.” Aspen said, as she did a few little motions with her hand, making the wax come off in a way she could put it back on when they’d finished sampling the wine.
When Parvil came back with two glasses she took one for herself and poured wine into the one Parvil was still holding and then gave him the wine bottle. “Okay pour mine.” she said, seeing Parvil’s confusion she answered before he could ask. “Its bad luck to pour your own wine.”
“Ah, tradition, right.” he said, pouring Aspen’s glass.
“What should we toast to?” Parvil asked.
“To getting rid of your stowaway and to finally taking down Reinhold.” she said.
“To that.” he said, raising his glass.
Parvil took a sip, he didn’t spit but came away shocked. “I thought this was mead based on the color.” he said.
“No. Cloudberry wine.” she said. “It’s rare because they don’t grow in many places for most of the year so they are harder to come by than things like grapes, or cherries or raspberries.” she said, taking another sip with a light sigh. “This is so much better than I dreamed it would be.”
“Parvil Vaxis Dream Maker. I will add it to the list.” Parvil joked.
“Hold on there big guy.” Aspen said, lowering her glass. “You gotta do more to earn that title than bamboozling a rare bottle of wine out of someone.”
“Retracted.” Parvil said, taking another drink. “I have to say. I don’t know if it's mental or not, but Elves make much better wine than humans.” Parvil said, taking another sip.
“No.” Aspen said, “You’re not mental. It’s just very good wine.”
“Shame is so hard to get.” Parvil said.
“It’s not that hard. But getting one this rare is.” Aspen said.
After one more glass a piece Aspen used her magic to reseal the bottle and put it way back in the leather case. “That wine might have been a bit stronger than I expected.” she said with a laugh, her cheeks flushing a bit.
“I don’t usually drink because it makes the tag along louder.” Parvil said. “But it can just deal with my brain being a bit sloshed.” he said.
Parvil leaned forward and rested his hands on his knees. “Your hair is getting awfully long.” Aspen commented.
“I’ve been meaning to get it cut.” Parvil said, running his hand through his hair.
“No. It looks good on you.” Aspen commented leaning over and scratching the back of his head. “You should keep it.” she added.
Parvil turned to meet her gaze, and Aspen locked eyes with him, and the voice in the back of each of their heads’ took over. Their lips were locked before they even knew to think to do otherwise. Parvil tried to manoeuvre on the bed as Aspen seemingly was going to take change. Taking a moment between quick kisses to bite his lower lip before shoving him onto the bed. He looked up at her as she moved backwards swaying slightly before nearly sitting on his knees as she hooked her fingers under his shirt and started pulling it up. But when the shirt was over his head but not fully off he felt a weight on his chest. And light shallow breaths. Blinking dazed, and his arms in a twisted awkward position he worked the shirt off his arms and off his body to see Apen asleep, head on his chest and her body in a position that would hurt in the morning. Putting his arm around her and sliding her into a better lying position he fell asleep too. Her head on his chest. Enough clarity coming back before drifting off to know this was for the best, even if part of him was in disagreement.
Without the usual tarp to shade the inside of the portable hole the morning came sooner than either would have liked. Aspen woke with a groan, wiping the side of her mouth realizing she’d drooled in her sleep, then realizing it was Parvil's chest and not a pillow. Parvil opened one eye when he felt Aspen up and moving, “Sorry sorry.” she said using her robe sleeve to wipe his chest.
“Don’t worry about it.” he said, moving to sit up. “What time is it.” he blinked and stretched.
“Early morning I think.” she said. “Hard to tell with the blizzard.” she said looking outside, but Parvil watcher he head tilt. “What that.” she said crawling off the edge of the bed and to the edge of the hole. “You got more gifts?” She asked.
“No. I only got the two.” he said trying to look past Aspen.
She came back holding two wrapped gifts. “Well. Then where’d these come from?” She asked.
“Kras Krunkle?” Parvil said.
“Come on Parvil. You don’t really believe that, do you?” she asked.
“Makes as much sense as anything.” Parvil said.
“This one is for you.” she said, handing him a small box, her box was at least three times as big.
Aspen tore into the paper and opened the box pulling out a neatly folded coat. It looked warm and perfect for the weather outside should they need to walk somewhere else or be in this situation again. “What’d you get?” She asked Parvil who hadn’t opened his yet.
“Don’t know.” he said, tearing the paper off, the box was only slightly bigger than something you’d keep a ring in, “Jewelry hardly seems like an even gift with a coat.” he said, pulling the small top off the equally small wooden box to reveal a small lump of coal. And a note. “A pact gets you on the naughty list.” Parvil stared dumbfounded, and Aspen couldn’t help herself but burst into laughter.
“I didn’t think getting coal was a real thing.” She said struggling to take in air. “You really need to get rid of that thing if you ever want free socks again.”
Happy Weihnachten
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays