A Case of Breaking and Entering: If You Go Out In The Woods Today...

Shortly after sunrise, Detective Dornar arrived back at the northern Aelmerian forest. Most of his men had moved closer to the central location of where the tower would be, if he were within the mortal plane. Officer Mckinley had set up a table with a map of the area spread out, and held down by rocks. Where they are standing and where the tower would be was placed a pinecone. Officer Mckinley was conversing with a few men wearing matching hardened leather armour, Detective Dornar couldn’t hear the conversation yet but knew the jest by visual. Officer Mckinley was pointing to the map then pointing off in a direction, looking at one of the men and allowing them to talk before marking something on the map. He was checking of areas where ‘The Weave’ intersected, locations where it would be most likely to be able to push through.

Detective Dornar approached and awaited for a lull in the conversation before making himself known by clearing his throat.

“Ah! Detective.” Officer McKinley said, “Bright and early as promised I see.”

Detective Dornar yawned slightly, “We have a job to do, otherwise I wouldn’t be.” he commented.

Officer McKinley nodded. “Men, get things packed up, and make sure the wizards got the wards up.” he told the lower ranking officers who only nodded and left their boss and the detective to talk.

“Did you find anything?” Detective Dornar asked, eyes quickly scanning the map. Seeing clear blue circles, that noted the location of the intersections, all with red X’s over the top, in a more hasty hand.

“Not a damned thing.” Office McKinley said, sounding suddenly tired. He rubbed a hand across his face. “Found places where the intersections seemed weak but not even our ‘Planewalker’ Fasha would get through.” he said, opening his eyes again. “None of this makes any sense.” he added.

Detective Dornar scratched his chin. “Could it be a timing thing?” he asked, less a full question more to pull on a thread of an idea and start cooking a theory. “If it was, for example, that that group of kids slipped in just after the thief?” He said, “They wouldn’t see each other in passing, they would simply pass in the night. But maybe the door closed itself.”

Officer McKinley looked at the sky for a moment in thought, As Detective Dornar studied the map again. “Can I borrow this?” he asked.

“I don’t see why not, you have a theory?” Officer McKinely asked, as he watched Detective Dornar, clear the table and roll the map up.

“Not so much a theory yet, might become one though.” he said. “If I’m not back before you leave I’ll tell you later.” Detective Dornar said as he headed into the woods to check something he’d seen on the map.

While Detective Dornar studied the map he’d seen a point near the magic school the students attend that had a place where ‘The Weave’ almost but didn’t quite touch and they Officers had not checked as it didn’t meet the parameters of location they were sent to check.

As Detective Dornar pushed through the woods, he didn’t bother trying to be remain quite. He’d rather anything that could be out here to hear him coming so he could do that same. As he ducked under a growth of low branches pushing them up and ducking under them, when he reached the other side he felt something sharp poke his back right between his shoulder blades, it wasn’t a branch, he could tell by how it made itself known. A distinct poke, hard enough to hurt but not enough to break skin. Not a threat, simply a warning.

“Far enough.” a deep booming voice that he could feel, said from behind Detective Dornar.

“Okay, okay.” Detective Dornar said, slowly raising his hands in surrender. “If you are going to kill me can I at least turn around? I’d rather not die being stabbed in the back.” he said, tone trying to de escalate the situation.

The spear pulled away slightly, but Detective Dornar could tell it was still in position to end him if the man on the other end didn’t like what was happening. “Turn Slowly, and Keep your hands up.” the deep voice added emphasis to the words making it clear it wasn’t a negotiable situation.

Detective Dornar turned slowly, and nearly jumped out of his skin when he was face to face with a bear. But he quickly took in the features of a tall man with elven features, skin the kind of tan you get from being outside and only outside.

“I am Tragen Guardian of this forest.” Tragen said, “You civilised folk have become quite bold as of late.” he said, Detective Dornar still off put but how commanding the man’s voice was.

“I’ll be out of your forest as soon as possible.” he said, “I’m just trying to solve a crime.” Detective Dornar said but then something filtered in from what the man said. “Wait wait. You mean a lot of people have been in these woods lately?”

“That is correct.” Tragen said, relaxing the spear a bit. “Do you know why?”

“Recently, yes. If anything before yesterday, no.” Detective Dornar said. “As guardian of this forest you see a lot correct?” he asked. “I need to find someone.”

“I do not see all, but the animals do.” Targen said, “Will finding this person get you out of my forest?” he asked.

“Hopefully.” Detective Dornar answered. “In the past few days have you seen anyone odd?”

“All people being here is odd.” Targen answered.

“Okay okay more specifically did they look like…” he thought. “Not like a bunch of kids or people standing around looking for something. More likely one or two people. One probably looks like a wizard type.”

Targen thought for a while. “I might have seen someone like that.” he said, motioning for the detective to follow him. Leading him to a place in the woods that was almost a clearing save for a tree that looked like it had been twisted like a corkscrew. “The tree is healthy.” he said, pointing with his spear, and saw that the detective didn’t understand, “It wasn’t like this a week ago.” he went one. “I’ve only seen this one other time. And that was from a botched ‘Tree Stride’,” he said. “I would your man have something to do with this?” he asked.

“I don’t know…” Detective Dornar said. Puzzled looking the tree over, “Did you see who did this?” he asked.

Targen shook his head. “No. But…” he stopped and cupped his hand over his mouth letting out a bird call, and a hawk landed on his arm. “Blick did.” Targen said, looking at the bird and making chirps and clicks, the bird seemed to responded in kind. Eventually Targen returned attention to Detective Dornar.

“Blick says the man was a taller than average pale elfish man, wearing all white with a scared face.” Targen said.

“That doesn’t narrow it down but, it does give me a place to start.” Detective Dornar said. “I’ll tell my men to not bother you anymore. And I apologise if we have to return. We are trying to solve a murder but they will be informed to leave the forest as they found it.”

“A fair trade.” Targen said as Blick took flight.

Detective Dornar scribbled some notes, and turned to leave. Before he was even out of the clearing he heard heavy foot falls, bounding into the woods directly behind him. Seeing the back of a bear vanish into the tree line. “He didn’t even need the spear…glad he was cordial.” he said letting out a breath. “Time to narrow our search.” he said, heading out to make his way to his office.

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