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View character profile for: Lafayette Le Renard

View character profile for: Pepper Cornelius

View character profile for: Severos Aven
A Peaceful Walk, A Pleasant Greeting
(OOC: another post coming! Ender, I got you!)
((Osilon, Karavoss))
Severos walked, finally enjoying the warm wind blowing. The shivers had passed and his humors returned as he walked the footpath through the great forest. If not for the past two years, he would have believed nothing was wrong with the world. He did not dwell in such dark thoughts, such was the mood brought forth by the sun through leaves.
Karavoss was a beautiful country, shaded by forest in most of the land and becoming sharp, neigh insurmountable bluffs and cliff sides to the south as the ocean brought salty gusts along the coast. Only a few natural harbors opened into sea trade with Zatar and Verden. The elves certainly preferred it this way, the current large, man-made harbors that defined Verden's ports leading many to have a poor understanding of human love of the land. Osilon was perhaps the closest to a human settlement that one would find, with hand and magic-shaped stone rising with the tall trees. As Severos crossed the Wyrmsong Bridge, one of three beautiful foot bridges that crossed over the myriad of streams and rivers that dotted the city, he beheld the buildings themselves.
The stone buildings were beautifully crafted just as well as the tree dwellings, abodes shaped and naturally melded into near seamless domiciles of such artistic work that had not been seen since the days of the First Age. The tree dwellings spread for miles while the others only sprawled for a few, giving many the belief that Karavoss was barely inhabited. This view even he had when the young journeyman came to the outskirts.
The trees became more spaced as open ground was given to farmlands and orchards, gardens of farmers and relaxation open to all of gentle heart. Severos stopped to allow a Karavoss caravan to pass, watching the fine elven horses respond to the touch of the company of orc and dwarf with a surety that master and steed had. Fine horses they were, reared by elves and guarded jealously by the horse masters of Clan Dwemer. Severos hoped to have such fine horse one day.
As he walked along a shaded path, the birds singing a song of spring, he beheld an odd couple. A man and some sort of bipedal avian beast almost the size of a pony carousing in a small field. He looked them over, curiosity finally being too much for the young mage to handle. He stepped closer towards the two, waving to the man as he spoke to his creature.
"Hey, wonderful. You enjoying the grass?" Lafayette asked as Pepper watched the apple in his hand. "We can get you one when I'm done." he says she starts to lower her head the apple. "Hey Pepper no." she backs up looking at him with confusion and slight sadness. "Okay...fine." Lafayette says holding the apple out towards her, and she greedily snaps it up. Crunching away and letting out happy vibrating chirps. Leaning down her head to meet her sitting friends. Lafayette puts up a hand and pets her giving small skritches.
"Mama's been gone a long time hasn't see." Lafayette asks her, and Pepper looks to the path to the home and walks in place uncomfortably. "Think we should go looking for her or wait?" she turns back to him and tilts her head before walking off towards the storage shed, where her saddle was kept. "Okay guess that answers that." he said standing slapping the dust off the back of his pants. "Worried as much as I am I guess."
"Hail!" Severos called to him. "Good day, sirrah!"