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Strange Tale of Aeran: Trippy Wizard's meet a Demon Lord
Lakey leaned back and cocked an eyebrow. “You really expect me to believe that?” he asked.
“I’m telling you it’s true.” Oro said bitterly “I know I make up a lot of stories but this ain’t one of them.”
Loni sat on one of the beds in the room hunched over a lap sized wooden box, Illirish was leaning over his shoulder and she was transfixed by what he was doing only half aware of the conversation. “Oro, why are you so set on getting us to believe it? What do you have to gain from it?” She asked. “Did you make a bet with someone or something?”
“That is what I’m trying to tell you!” he said angrily “Why would I lie?”
“Because you love to lie.” Ebess said.
“Fine, fine. Oro, start it from the top.” Loni said still fixated on the box, nudging Illirish away with his shoulder when she got too close. “Stop blocking my light Illirish if you want me to get done with this any time in the near future.”
Illirish pouted a bit but backed off. “I just want to watch, so I can help next time.”
Loni looked at her. “Stop pouting, you know this is an exact science.”
Oro grunted. “Fine, you know that archmage’s daughter,” he began.
“You have to be more specific.” Lakey interrupted.
“U something.” Oro said.
“Umeffaeh.” Ebess said brushing the hair out of her eyes.
“Yeah,” Oro said. “His daughter, Aggie. Her uncle is Aldous.”
Lakey rolled his eyes. “Yes you said that. The demon Lord of Lust Aldous, The Crimson King. That Aldous.”
Oro whipped his head to look at Lakey, “Yes! How many times do I have to explain this?”
“Until it makes sense most likely.” Illirish interjected.
Oro’s shoulders slumped. “How does it not make sense?”
“For starters. How would Aggie be related to a demon lord and not look like a demon? Secondly, is he somehow her father’s brother or her mother’s brother?”
“I don’t know. But I saw him at the school once.” Oro said in a lowered voice. “Plain as day, he was talking to her father. And I heard her call him Uncle Aldous before.” he said.
“Are you sure you didn’t just see someone who looked like the story book Aldous and your fried brain didn’t imagine something? Maybe she’s got a tiefling in her family?” Loni suggested.
“Okay.” Ebess said, “Let’s say we believe you. Then what, what does it matter?” she asked.
Oro looked confused for a moment. “We’d know someone who knows one if not the most powerful mage of the Nine Hell’s.
Loni was about to say something else when there was a knock at the door.
“Shit.” Loni whispered quickly, slipping the box under the bed. “Open it.” he told Lakey, who opened the door to a tall man with red skin and big horns.
“Oh, hello.” the man said. “I’m looking for someone I was hoping you could help me.” he said. “I’m looking for my niece Aggie.” he said.
“Told you.” Oro whispered.
Aldous suddenly twitched. “Fine, fine I’ll let you down just behave.” he said pulling off a strange pack he was using to carry Crumpet the dwarf owlbear. Illirish and Ebess’ faces lit up seeing the small creature. Loni, Oro and Lakey were a bit more sceptical. “Is that thing safe?” Loni asked.
“Sure…as long as your hands don’t smell like fresh meat.” he said.
“Oh, introductions, how rude of me.” Aldous said. “I am Aldous and that is Crumpet.” he said, gesturing to the toddling creature that seemed to bounce as much as it walked.
The other four introduced themselves and Aldous stepped into their room. “So you are classmates of Aggie’s?” he asked.
“Yeah.” Illirish and Ebess answered in unison as they pet Crumpet’s belly.
Aldous nodded knowingly “Good good.” he said walking to one end of the room and back. “Glad to see things haven’t changed,” he looked at the group again. “I don’t mean to be rude but could you point me to where I might find Aggie?” he asked.
Ebess gave him a few places he could look and told him where her dorm was, Aldous scooped up Crumpet and got him on his back again. “Thank you, oh and by the way.” Aldous said, a sudden flash in his fingers, a small roll of paper appeared. “Fine work by the way.” he said, slipping it into his coat.
“Did he just steal…” Loni began.
“Yep.” Illirish answered before he could finish.
“Damn it. And it was perfect too.” he said pulling the box back out and starting over.