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View character profile for: Sir Arc

View character profile for: Krosik Blackiron

View character profile for: Parvil Vaxil Killian
Adventure Time pt 3
Stopping and looking at the man with green eyes, a scar across his nose unkept hair, strange clothes a manel of black and brown. and a strange necklace that holds a gem the same color as his eyes. Dusty peered from the Saddle pack on Iron doing a bit of growling.
The Half Elf could see a dwarf in his 70's a powerful build Dwarf muscular and fit. He looks to be over 4 feet 5 inches tall. His red-brown hair and big hazel eyes. The tan skin shows the work that Krosik has done above ground. He has armor on that looks very nice and well-kept. There is a hand axe in his belt with a dagger hanging out from behind him. In tow, a Mule is black with white under the belly and some white on the legs and nose. Carrying Packs of Tools and supplies. On top sticking its head up in curiosity, the Dwarven Rock Ferreto large cat-sized creature with sharp teeth, the Rock Ferret has a long and slim body with medium to long fur. It has rounded ears, whiskers, and short muzzles. black to dark brown guard hairs with a white or cream undercoat. It has very dark brown eyes, and nose are black and a bushy tail.
Parvil stared at them eyes narrowed for a moment before he quirked an eyebrow. But held the spell still in his hand small bolts of sickly blackish green energy dancing across and between his fingers.
"Hold stranger, I do not want to fight ye. I don't know about Sur Arc." The dwarf started. "I Krosik Blackiron a simple artisan from th' Blackiron fire hammer crafting guild gowin to th' neist town. With me is Sur Arc, Iron my Mule, 'n' Dusty my trusty dwarven rock ferret. I bid ye a good mornin' traveler." Krosik said in a nice mannered tone.
The large armored Paladin wielding a large holy sword named Arc then replied, "Aye. We are just passin by. We heard a voice that seem ta be in trouble, but it turned out ta be ye instead. If ya don't mind.....we can just go our separate ways and forget this awkward moment." Arc was hoping to avoid a fight since there was nothing to gain from it.
"Now, now, Sur Arc let not shoe off th' traveler yet. Mibbie we can help. Remember I a'm a Dwarf with a trade. Me skills might help him in some way." said the Dwarf with a grin.
The half-elf didn't let his spell fade but did untense "You don't t know the half of it." Parvil said. "How I see it fate or what ever passes for such a notion has ordained us to meet." he said. "Why else would we find each other in the middle of nowhere. Where ever that no where is."
Arc was a bit dumbfounded by the words of the elven stranger before him. Arc replied, "So this uh.....chance meeting of that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't recall ever meeting you so I doubt I owe you money."
Krosik let out a big bellowing laugh and shook his head. Looking up at the half-elf "Sure we can ca' it fate that this has happened. Sur Arc, yer a man o' th' clergy how come ye owe money ye don't pay yer debt?" asked Krosik then turned to the half-elf " ye name traveler?"
"You first." Parvil said, "You are in my camp after all." he said waving his free hand. His eyes flicked like someone was speaking behind him and he sneared a moment before letting the spell drop.
Seeing the spell drop Arc felt a huge relief as he lowered his sword. Arc replied, "Oh wow ya had me all worried there fer a moment. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Arc the Paladin. If I look out of sorts its cause I am. I woke in this place not long ago and Mr. Krosik over here has been kind enough to show me the ropes. Will that work fer an intoduction?"
"I would say that's rude Traviler. because I did introduce everyone a bit ago but in a' o' th' heightened stress mibbie ye missed what I had said. I am Krosik Blackiron a simple artisan from th' Blackiron fire hammer crafting guild." motioning behind him "With me, Iron my Mule, 'n' Dusty my trusty dwarven rock ferret. " Krosik said in a cooperative tone.
"Parvil." The half-elf said "First name only for now." He added. "Now that introductions are out of the way, would either of you know where we are?" Before they spoke he added "Both in the specific and general."
Arc scratched the top of his helmet in confusion by Parvol’s question. He looked at Krosik then back at Parvil. Arc replied, “What are the odds that you would be lost as well. I just recently found out that we are on a continent called Winterlunde. I passed through a city in Austarlande just recently. So far the folks seem nice, except for the occasional bandits. We are on our way to the next town or city.”
Krosik walked back to the Mule opened a bag and pulled out a map case. He opened it and looked through and unrolled some large papers then a brass compass-looking device he looked around "Ah-ha," Krosik mumbled. Krosik looks around one more time. " I think we are not that far from th' main road. it's in that direction," said Krosik pointing. "When we git to th' main road we gang north own that road if that helps," Krosik said putting away the maps.
"If we are all going that way we might as well travel together." Parvil suggested. "Shut up." He grumbled through his teeth and seemingly to himself.
Arc leaned his head to the side as he was confused by Parvil. He replied, "Well That's a much better option than fighting, but are you okay?"
"In a mundane or more metaphorical way?" Parvil asked. "If you are asking if I am crazy, no not in a general sense anyway. Long term who knows." He added with a casual shrug to punctuate it. "Short answer I am both okay and not okay simultaneously."
Arc paused as he let the answers sink into his thick skull. Granted he was not a typical muscle head, but he was not really a scholar type either. However he of all people was in no position to judge anyone considering he was now a skeleton under all his armor and suffered from a memory loss. Arc scratched his helmet and replied, "Fair enough. Shall we venture on to our next destination? I can fend off attackers but since I am new to the area it would be better if I didn't act as the guide."
Parvil chuckled "Fair enough but you both are one step ahead of me. I just learned where I am. Arriving in the dark is tricky like that. Not to mention teleportation is a headache when you can't concentrate on the spell." He reached and grabbed a pouch on his rucksack, digging in and coming up with a few raisins he proceeded to toss on the ground before pulling out a few nuts. "Onward then?" He asked through a mouthful.
Seeing as they were following the river to the next destination the group began walking. Since the others appeared deep in their own thoughts, Arc calmed his mind down and began getting images of his past in his mind but oddly enough any sign on the buildings seemed to be blurred. The faces of those he remembered were also blurred as well. He wondered if his mind was damaged from becoming a skeleton or of he was really under a curse. He had his own problems to deal with as he traveled with two odd companions.
Krosik was quiet for once and just the others figured it out. He knew where he was going well, the town anyway. Krosik had not really been in this part of this land and would make notes as he walked he would update the scribbled map as he called it as they went then would transfer to the main map at night.
He thought what they needed was a song Krosik only really knew Dwarven songs. but to Krosik that was a good thing. not that Dwarfs sing badly and Krosik was an okay singer.
Just some suggest to him that he should stick to the hammer. But what do Humans know anyway, them and their short lives thinking they know everything?
He started signing his Clans song.
[Verse 1]
Down in the deep
Where the dragon used to sleep
Glorious gold
Glimmers in our home of old
Dark as the night
Where the day has lost its light
When the hammer falls!
When the hammer falls
And it sounds through the halls
When the hammer falls
Freeing treasures from the walls
When the hammer strikes
And the kingdom comes to life
When the hammer pounds
Like the thunder underground
When the hammer falls!
When the hammer falls!
[Verse 2]
Of legend and myth
Is the craft of the smith
The molten metal poured
And pounded into swords
From the fire is made
Every dwarven axe and blade
When the hammer falls
When the hammer falls!
Forging weapons for all
When the hammer falls!
Songs of battle fill the halls
When the hammer flies
Lines of armored dwarves arise
With the hammer's roar
We go marching off to war!
When the hammer falls!
When the hammer falls!
[Instrumental bridge]
[Verse 3]
The orcs came to our land
And we fought them hand to hand
Sweat and blood
Turned the ground to mud
Dwarf and orc in strife
Sought to vanquish every life
When the hammer falls
When the hammer falls
Back our enemy crawls
When the hammer quakes
Orcish cowards’ bones will break
When the hammer cracks
And it beats their armies back
When the hammer's boom
Sends the monsters to their doom
When the hammer falls!
When the hammer falls!
When the hammer falls
Then our victory calls
When the hammer falls
Songs of glory fill the halls
When the hammer flies
Mighty heroes now arise
With the hammer's sound
Live the dwarves down underground
When the hammer falls!
When the hammer falls!
Krosik's song
Singing with Hart and passion Krosik has a bit smile on his face.
(copost Redsword and Jaxx)