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View character profile for: Sir Arc

View character profile for: Krosik Blackiron

View character profile for: Parvil Vaxil Killian
Adventure Time part 2
Posted byPosted: Sep 23, 2023, 9:41pm
Having a grin Korsik sat back down ""I don't mynd seeing ye face, as ye don't lik' an elf," said Korsik jokingly. Korsik pulled his own mess kit out of his bag and took some of the meat and some of the other things as well. Then turned his back to the fire.
"Ye kin have that mimi kag ah think ye need it mair than I dae" offered Korsik. I have more as Korsik pulls another from his bag. "It has aboot 3 liters o' ale in them. Ye in joy th' dram let me know whit ye think o' dwarven ale I know it's th' best."
"Th' taste o' great flavor 'n' blended aroma influenced th' balance atween malt sweetness 'n' hop bitterness is pure dead brilliant. This creates complex, hoppy flavors making this a superb smooth ale." explains Korsik. "Juist finding th' richt ingredient kin be hard at times," adds Korsik as he takes a drink right out of the keg.
"haa.... so guid," Korsik said after his drink.
Arc let the ale fill his mouth after swallowing his meat. It was indeed very good. He remembered he having a restriction put on him by the church to limit the amount of alcohol he could have in order to maintain a proper presence. In the past some had abused that privilege which caused the limits. Arc remembered giving up ale and only drinking a cup of wine once a week for ceremonies. The wine was bitter and not to good which had killed the urge for him to drink more. He realized that was done on purpose to keep church members sober and out of trouble. After taking a second drink he remembered how good booze could be and felt the tingles in his body. This was indeed odd since in reality it should have been leaking through his armor, but he was indeed digesting his food and drink like before when he had the rest of his body. He then replied, "Aye Mr. Blackiron. This is indeed quality spirits. Its been a long time since I last enjoyed good booze. My old employers frowned upon over drinking so they only served us bad wine. However this totally blows that stuff away. Did ye make it or do you get it from outside?"
Taking a bite of food he swallowed it. "Tis a clan secret, bit ah can't mak' it very often it's hard to find' th' ingredients. Ah made this batch. I lik' tae think 'twas yin o' mah better ones, " said Korsik taking another bite of food.
After a moment "This is guid meat Ye thank." commented Korsik. "I dae like th' sound o' th' fire th' reek o' th' bridie cooking th' sound o' th' water fae th' creek. Th' scent o' th' trees 'n' th' sound o' th' insects making thair noise at night a' wi' someone new" Korsik expressed. "It is different in th' dwarven halls," Korsik expressed.
Arc swallowed his meat before he replied, "Aye this place is rather pleasant. Its been a while since I last think. Well if ya let me know what ingredients ye need I'll keep an eye out for 'em. So seeing as how you travel a lot, how often do ya see yer friends and family?"
"Hmmm.... Weel, Friends a' th' time ye know." Korsik said with a grin. " Ah mak' them as ah travel. I see mah brothers noo 'n' then." comments the Dwarf. "Dae ye understand clan wirks right?" asked Korsik.
Arc closed his visor and turned around and he cocked his head to the side as he thought about the question. He had part of a thought then it went away and his mind went blank. Then he replied, "I honestly can't say that I do. Either I can't remember or I never learned. I find it odd to say that it seems to be the case for me dear Mr. Blackiron." Arc scratched his helmet like he was scratching his head.
Korsik gives a sigh hearing Arc turn around he does the same. "Think o' a clan as an extended fowk wi' a' th' lest names. Juist thoosans o' thaim. Noo that ah hae tell ye that. Ye should nae address me as Blackiron bit as Korsik whilk is ma given name by the clan," explains Korsik.
"If ye just use Blackion yer speakin` tae a' th' fowk if that mak's sense tae ye. If ye dae that insult ither dwarves ye could insult them if they're fae th' identical clan. ." further explaining how the clan works. "Who wants to anger a few thousand family members?" Korsik said half joking. " That is why it is bad to pick a fight with a dwarf. When he or she says their brothers are coming. They really mean the Clan.
Arc was a bit taken back as he fanned his arms nervously. He replied, "Oh dear me. I humbly apologize for my rudeness. I thought since you had a family name you had some form of nobility. Many humans only have a family name due to noble blood. Most commoners only have a first name and a job. Like Ralph the farmer. So Mr. Korsik it is then. It is a pleasure to meet ya."
"We dae hae nobility bit that is mair o' a title like king, chief, prince, 'n' lords. Mah uncle was a laird o' sorts mair like a duke bein' the king's brother. Mah parents died when ah wis five 'n' he teuk me in 'n' raised me." Korsik informed Arc.
Arc replied, "Sounds complicated. I apologize for my ignorance. I seem to be lacking in a lot of wisdom these days. I appreciate any you can spare. I can see myself getting all manner of trouble as I am now."
Korsik gave Arc a nod "No issue with ye." The Dwarf started "If ah wis wi' ye in yer kirk order a'm sure ah wid be lost as well. Ah well hulp ye 'til ye dinnae need it or ye gimme a reason nae tae." says Korsik eating the last of his food. picking up his mini keg and placing it in front of him as he sat cross-legged.
After eating Arc turned to Korsik and said, "Well oddly enough I can barely remember much from my Order. Fer some reason I can picture it in my head but when I try to speak of it my memory gets all hazy. Its rather curious as to why this is happening. I do thank ye for your help and all. This has been difficult fer me since I woke up. I ended up saving a female noble and her maid only to have to leave before they got to close ta me. It would have bad if they saw my face. Oh speaking of which do ya by chance know of anyone who studies curses or dark magic? They might be able to figure something out."
Krosik sat thinking for a moment. "Nae near 'ere. Ah kin interpret some hings bit thare needs tae be markings o' some sort or symbols. Did ye notice anythin' freish oan ye markings oan ye armor freish neckless? anythin' ?" asked Krosik now looking harder at Sir Ark.
Staring at Sir Arc Krosik gave a sigh. "Ah well say ye angered someone fur this tae happen ah dinnae think this wis an mishanter." said the Dwarf.
Arc shrugged as he had no real answer for the dwarf. He replied, "Hard to say when I can't remember to much. I saw no magical runes or markings on my armor. As for my body I am not ready to show off such a sight. I mean I woke up in a strange place with a hazy memory and a distorted body so I would have to wonder why they would go to such an extent for revenge. It would sound more reasonable that I was some test subject for a magic experiment or something. However till I get more info, I will be in the dark on the matter."
Krosik mumbles to himself then speaks up. "OK, then th' neist village, toun, or toon we fin' oot whit kirk ye belong tae that wid be a stairt. A'm sure ye wid be weel-kent wi' th' armor 'n' weapons ye hae sur arc." Stated Krosik with a smile it slowly melted away. "I am nae sure whit ah hae git masell intae. Bit justice wull be dane yin wey or another." declared Krosik in a very stern tone.
Arc smirked under his helmet as he heard Krosik sound a bit off. He wondered if he was feeling the effects of the booze. Oddly enough Arc could taste the booze but was not feeling the effects of the alcohol. It had a strong hearty flavor but there was no side effects from it. Arc wondered if it was weak booze of he was immune to the drunkenness that comes with strong booze. Then he nodded as he didn't want to offend Krosik as he simply replied, "Well if it doesn't work out we can make a brewery and make a fortune with this stuff or anything like it."
The Dwarf gave a hardy laugh "Ye is right aboot that, Sur Arc." said Krosik taking another drink. "Dae ye have to sleep in yer state ?" asked Krosik sitting up.
Arc nodded as he replied, "Aye I do like to sleep but these days I don't need as much. Speaking of which we should get some shut eye if we want ta get up at sunrise." Arc then pulled out a ball of fur from his pouch and used it for a pillow as he lay on it. He said, "Feel free to eat and drink more Mr. Krosik. I'll be up in a few hours ta clean up."
"Get th' sleep you'll need Sur Knight," replied Krosik leaning ower 'n' taking another drink o' his ale. "Dusty kin keep watch she is a night individual anyway," says Krosik says Krosik standing and starting to clean up some of the stuff.
Krosik fell asleep later with Dusty and Iron not too far away. the night was uneventful for the most part. All except for the Dwarfs snoring which got loud now and then. It sounded like he was shaking the trees down. It was probably why everything stayed away the Dwarf scared it off with his snoring.
The next morning Arc woke up before sunrise. He saw Krosik sleeping and did a bit of stretching. Then he stoked the coals and got the fire going again to warm up the last of the meat. Then he pulled some potatoes wrapped in leaves and roasted them by the fire for breakfast. He pulled some seasoning containers and a jar of butter from his pouch. Then he turned the meat and checked to see the burnt and cooked parts. After he was set up he just waited till Krosik woke up.
Waking up to the smell of food was a good thing for Krosik. He was awake just before Sur Arc was done with the food. Getting up and stretching with a big yawn Krosik smiled "Good morning Sur knight. I do have some things to add to the meal" remarked Krosik. he opened his bag and took out a clay jar of jam bread and of course mini kegs of Ale.
"I know we will need to get on the road soon so I will help clean and pack, said Krosik.
Arc thanked Krosik for his aid and rations. Then they ate their fill before cleaning up and putting out the fire. Arc was not to keen on burning down a forest since nothing good would come from it. So once they were packed and ready to leave, Arc had a little bounce in his step. He was feeling a bit cheery since he now had a companion to chat with. He began humming in his head a bit. They walked for a few hours and before Arc realized it his hum gradually got louder to the level of talking.
A song popped in his head and before long he was humming and lightly singing it so only he and Krosik could hear it.
Carry on, my reckless one
Though your rage is almost done
Soon the battle will be one
Go and strike once more
… Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high
Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming
I can hear them say
… Carry on, my reckless one
Though your rage is almost done
Soon the battle will be one
Go and strike once more
… Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don't know
On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say
Packed up and walking near Sur Arc. Krosik listening to his singing made their way back to the road walking toward the next city. the road was a relatively traveled one by caravans. Krosik had not said too much as they walked Dusty looked about the area sniffing the air and ears focusing on anything that was not normal. It was unlikely they would be surprised by anything in the area.
Arc singing lowly
… Carry on, my reckless one
Though your rage is almost done
Soon the battle will be one
Go and strike once more
… Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
Now your life's no longer empty
Surely heaven waits for you
… Carry on, my ......
Just then Arc stopped singing and held his hand up to stop Krosik. He heard something up ahead and slowly looked around as he realized it was a voice he had heard.
“What do you mean ‘you won’t find yourself on that’ do you mean I’m off map?” Parvil asked.
“Okay, firstly rude, secondly what’s North of Varland?” Parvil asked.
“Oh how useful…” Parvil rolled his eyes, “Guess we find a town then.”
Arc whispered to Krosik, "Someone is up ahead. I suggest we proceed with caution." Then the two walked slowly forward and saw a Half-elf with glowing beryl green eyes, a scar across his nose long back unkept hair, strange clothes and manel of black and browns. and a strange necklace the holds a gem that same color as his eyes.
He began to attempt to refold his map without getting frustrated enough to just wad it into a ball to sort out later. When he heard rustling in the trees behind him, Parvil began to whisper words of power, saving the final word of his spell for when he saw the potential threat.
Arc pulled out his great sword in case he had to fight as he looked at the spell caster.