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View character profile for: Ursa Blacksong

View character profile for: Sovereign Orb
Lady of the Winter Sea - Part 03
Ursa Blacksong - Mid-Autumn of 113 YSTR
The Northern Sea
After nearly 3 months at sea the merchantmen arrived off the broken shores of Winterlunde continuing north along the coast for another three to four days time until at last they had arrived in the Port of Anders in the early morning hours.
There was no need to wait to dock as a goodly number of the locals had already gathered on the weather-worn docks to await the new arrivals as both passengers and crew departed the vessels into the waiting arms of friends and family.
For Ursa’s part, she knew of neither friend nor family in this faraway place. Her only companion being Kristov who had been at her side since they had departed White Cliff in the months prior. It was soon clear to her though that many in this place didn’t know what to make of her though they were very polite when speaking their questions to Kristov when it became clear to them that Ursa didn’t understand the language nor what was being said.
“ I feel like a ignortant fool here.” Ursa noted aloud to her companion as they walked through the gathered crowd.
“ No need to feel such a way friend Ursa.” Kristov offered. “ Most common folk here speak only the old tongue. Only the nobles or the more the well to do who have coin enough to spend on tutors from the mainland know your language.”
“ I see … “ Ursa said slowly. “ So why all the questions?”
“Ah yes “ Kristov nodded his head in understanding motioning with his hands to his face. “There is some confusion about who or what you are amongst the elders. Some of them think you are far too pretty to be a human or half-blood but you look nothing like how one would describe a full blooded elf or fey. Some are wondering if you are perhaps a princess or noblewoman from a foreign kingdom.”
“ Really, I'm flattered that they think so highly of me.” Ursa smirked.
Kristov nodded. “ They also wonder why you wear mens clothing and are so armed.”
“And what did you tell them?” She asked.
Kristov simply shrugged. “ I told them you are a guest of the Dutchess and its foolish to ask to many questions.”
They shared a brief laugh as they continued along the docks until they reached the end of the pier where a gallows had been erected. A trio of long dead corpses hung up by their necks on display for all to see.
“And what misdeeds called for this end?” Ursa wondered aloud.
Kristov offered an upwards glance at the corpses and frowned motioning the wooden plaques that hung on their chests. “ These two here it says are guilty of banditry and theft and this third one here it says is guilty of rape.”
Ursa frowned her confusion at what she saw. “ It appears that they were Knights of the high church as far as I can tell meaning they come from Noble Houses and are sworn in service to the High Church of Sarnia. Normally the nobility would overlook such crimes as these.”
Kristov nodded his understanding.
“The Dutchess of Winterlunde is the only nobility that matters in this place and she believes that the law is to be applied fairly to all within her domain. She also cares little for the noble titles of foreigners and even less about the High Church so if they are found guilty of a crime then they will be punished for those crimes as per the rule of law.”
Ursa nodded her understanding." The Dutchess sounds like a just woman."
Kristov nodded he agreement. “ So we’ll be staying at the Inn tonight so that news of your arrival can have time to reach the castle proper and depending on the weather we should expect the Dutchess to send a coach which will likely arrive in the late afternoon tomorrow or perhaps the day after that if the weather does not hold.”
Kristov must have had a sixth sense about the weather because by noontime the sky had already grown unnaturally dark and by that evening the snow was already falling so hard it was impossible to see much of anything beyond the open doorway of the Inn’s common room.
“See, what did I tell ya… “ Kristov mused. “ The weather here in the Winterlunde’s in no mans friend.”
Ursa nodded her agreement. “ I guess we’ll be staying for a time then.”
Kristov nodded his agreement. “ At least a week by the looks of it.”
“Well than…” Ursa sounded softly. “ I guess I'll need to keep myself busy until the weather clears. Be a saint and see to it that I'm not disturbed unless there is a most dire need to do so.
Kristov gave a curt nod of understanding. “ Church business my Lady ? “
“ Nothing so interesting as that…” Ursa shrugged. “Just ancient curses and foul enchantments that need breaking is all. As I said best to let me alone until the matter is resolved to avoid any unpleasantness.”
Retiring to her room for the evening, she paused long enough to secure the bolt on the door followed after by a barrier spell and a curse of silence that would ensure that she was not accidentally overheard by curious ears or by unwelcome guests.
No sooner had she turned her attention back to the room did her eyes find the enigmatic Iron sphere known as the Sovereign Orb had already freed itself from the confines of her pack and sat neatly on the bedside table.
“Couldn’t wait to let yourself out could you?” She said plainly collecting one of the chairs in the room and dragging it to the bedside.
“ I saw no point in prolonging an inevitable conclusion.” The deep voice of the sphere spoke to her.
“ Someone could have seen you.” Ursa sounded in annoyance.
“And what pray-tell what would they have seen?” The orb fired back in annoyance. ” A simple sphere of iron ore? Some trinket or trophy collected by a renegade priestess from the mainland. Even if they saw me I very much doubt that any would have the education or insight to even grasp what I really am.”
“ If you say so … “ Ursa offered. “ But its been my experience that humans will steal anything if given the opportunity.”
The Orb was silent for a moment before speaking. “ I suspect that perhaps that there is some truth to your words half-elf.”
“That said it looks like we’re going to be stuck here for a few days so lets focus on the subject we spoke of last week.”
"Ah, I do enjoy our discussions on magic and magical theory." The sphere offered in a more enjoyable tone. "Shall we continue with the subject of spatial displacement and arcane means transit theory?"