Strange Tale of Aeran: A Wizards' Trip

A group of five young wizard students from Miekrannis’ Collage sat around a crackling campfire. The pop pop in melody with the sounds of insects of the forest. All laughing and having a good time, a small intimate party among friends. One of the magic practitioners, a girl, pale skin, with dark black hair that fell like a curtain over her shoulders and bangs cut in a sheer line blocking her eyes named Ebess leaned over to a nervous looking fellow wizard named Lakey and handed him a small leather pouch with a drawstring. She smiled at him as she handed over the bag drawing her fingers across his.

“So I just sprinkle it under my tongue…?” Lakey asked unsure.

Ebess just smiled, nodded and sprinkled some under her own tongue before leaning back against the fallen log she was previously sitting on and looking towards the sky. Nervously, Lakey took four deep breaths to psyche himself up before sprinkling it under his tongue and doing the same as the rest. Leaning back and looking towards the sky.

It didn’t take long for the dust to grab onto Lakey’s senses. As his eyes relaxed and he focused on the stars, something new, something he’d never seen before began to swim into focus. The sky was filled with hair thin golden filaments of light. Crossing this way and that, in an intermingling that never tangled. Moving his eyes slightly he saw the gossamer threads all around. Tiny little motes of light zipping along their strings going past where the eye can see, or coming right at him and vanishing down a strand behind him. Lakey was vaguely aware of Ebess sitting next to him, only due to her small sounds of childlike wonderment at the sights she was seeing.

For all the nervousness he’d felt just a few moments ago had melted away. Sharing in seeing The Weave for its true splendour. The thing that makes all the magic he, and his friends do possible laid out in its infinite scope for them to view.

Lakey looked to see Loni pointing towards the sky. Swimming, well sort of swimming. As it's the best and only real word that came to Lakey’s mind at the moment. Though after thinking about it later it was more like a weird motion in between sloshing and floating. Was a creature that was similar but not at all like a jellyfish. Though some jellyfish like this might exist somewhere it was much to see through and well…floating in the sky, like a paper lantern or a balloon. But as attention was drawn it faded from view.

The lights skipped this way and that was the sky above swam with a technicolour aurora borealis. Illirish lazily lifted a finger and pointed towards some trees. “Did you see that?” she said in a hushed faux serious tone sounding like she was about to giggle. “A unicorn.”

Oro batted Illirish hand away from his face where she was pointing. “Quit it.” he snapped. “There’s no unicorn.”

“Yes there was, I saw it.” Illirish insisted.

The two bickered for a moment or two but settled back into enjoying the night air and the spectacle in the sky. As everyone lay there looking up, Ebess reached over and took Lakey’s hand in her hand, they shared a look, smiled and looked back to the sky. The returned jellies moving in a hypnotic, soothing dance lulling everyone into a deep mystic sleep.

Everyone awoke the next day, groggy and sore from sleeping on the ground. Lakey and Ebess lay close. Lakey’s only thoughts were ‘What a perfect night’.


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