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View character profile for: Ripper

View character profile for: Mallow

View character profile for: Gideon McCoy
The Crooked Way
A short walk later they arrived at a small pub, Mallow had been to hundreds of times, but this was Rippers first. The building had a carved wood sign hanging above the path leading up read "The Crooked Way". "Okie Dokie." Mallow said doing a little turn to face the lazard man. "So Gideon runs this place. He's the one that helped to get the arrows out. I know I already done told you that but just reminding you. Now nother thing you need to know for we go in. Tessa or Tes to her friends. She's one of those...whatcha call them." Despite having horns of her own she did a little devil horn gesture with both pointers stick from the side of her head. Mallow paused for a good few seconds before snapping her fingers "Succubus. That's it. But don't worry she's not one of them man eaters, she's nice. Follows some growing religion among her kind says you can get your life power other ways. So don't treat her no different then anyone else just cause she's other worldly pretty, kay?" Mallow said having spoken rapidly aside from the brief pause to remember what Tessa was.
The lizard man nodded as he replied, "I understand." He was grateful for all the help he had received from Mallow and the man called Gideon. He only remembered those for know and no one else. His memory was hazy at best when Mallow found him full of arrows. Since he was now living in a strange world with strange people, he found it best to not "rock the boat" since he was dependent on Mallow for food shelter and fire. Sometimes he would see something and recognize it from a past memory, but it was brief and confusing. Not knowing who you are is hard enough, but now he had to be patient and learn from the locals without upsetting them. He figured he would limit his words to learn more and not upset them. Mallow was easy to talk to but he remembered that Gideon was somewhat grouchy. As for the succubus that Mallow mentioned, he remembered them being dangerous, but took Mallow's warning to heart. He figured if she was that dangerous she would not be welcomed in this swampy place. Out of curiosity he looked around the place from the outside to become familiar with it. It was odd to see a pub in a swamp, but it was nice to see it regardless. He wondered who else he would meet along the way.
The inside of the pub wasn't very busy but still had the clicks and clanks of utensils on bowls and plates or tankards being put down. A tall man with an above average build stood at the bar wiping a mug clean, a short woman with long thin horn sticking from her forehead zipped around with a sort of grace that made her steps look almost like she was floating, at the little window she zipped over too was a rather pig-esque man, small eyes, big forehead and a flat nose with a big round body was running the kitchen. As the pair entered Gideon greeted them. "Mornin' Mallow, see your friend is up and moving. If anybody could put him on the mend would be you." he said, putting the mug under the table. "How you feeling?" Gideon asked the lizard man, voice gruff but not cold.
The lizard man gave Gideon a slight bow as he replied, "I count my blessings to my two benefactors. I am still recovering but there are no concerns at the moment. Thank you sir for you aid. I owe you and Mallow a great debt and I will be working it off in Mallow's care for now. Sadly my memory is in shambles so I have much to learn again." The lizard man tried to be respectful but was not sure of the local customs. It was hard being a stranger in a strange land, but his lizard body somehow felt very comfortable in this environment. When he was catching "yabbys" with Mallow his senses felt alive in the swamp. He felt like he was part of the place and could not understand why. He wondered if his lizard body was the main reason since he saw other reptiles in the swamp like snakes and gators. As he saw the cook and waitress who were clearly not human he felt like he would not be judged on his appearance by Gideon despite his gruff demeaner.
"You don't gotta thank me so much, I just yanked out some poorly made arrows. Count yourself luck they didn't puncture any organs or bone. Probably wouldn't have been able to help you then." Gideon pulled one out from under the table. "Have to say though. I don't know that I've ever seen them made like this." he said spinning it between his thumb and pointer finger. "This ring any bells for your memory be said holding it out.
The lizard man examined the arrow with a discerning eye. He looked at the arrowhead and the fletching for identifying marks hoping they would jog his memory, but nothing came to mind. All he could recall was the words betrayed and escape. He looked at Gideon and replied, "I am not sure why, but I felt it made me feel betrayed and a lot of pain. Perhaps I barely escaped a bad place." The lizard man had a look of concern on his face as the arrow represented an unpleasant feeling. He didn't get any flashbacks, but the feelings were still strong. Whatever place he ran from was not a good place. He had no intentions of ever returning there again. To make it weird he didn't feel like he had any longing for his past. It was like the feeling of trying to remember what you ate for lunch a week ago. It was not pressing and easily forgotten. Then he asked, "So is there a monetary system I should know about here?"
"Same as anywhere else." Gideon said. "Some people trade work for work or goods though. All depends what you are looking for. Like a miller might throw in some extra flour in exchange for some fresh bread. But mostly its coin for bigger trades." Gideon said.
Without warning a voice came from behind Ripper, it was very soft and very feminine "Oh! You're the guy Gideon helped." She said looking all over Ripper body. "Wowie you heal quick. Not as quick as me but pretty darn quick."
"Tes. Leave the man alone, don't you have work to do?" Gideon questioned in a serious tone.
Tessa stuck out her tongue. "I just wanted to say hi to the guy you saved."
"I didn't save him. Mallow did, now get back to work." Gideon said.
"Finnnnee." Tessa groaned like an indignant teen.
"Ignore her." Gideon told Ripper.
The lizard man cocked his head to the side as he listened to the exchanged between Gideon and Tessa. She was obvious a mischievous type while Gideon was a serious boss type. However he didn't get upset by her teasing. This meant that Gideon had a lot of patience to work with troublesome staff. This was a good thing since he probably fell in the troublesome category as well. The lizard man nodded at Gideon as he replied, "Understood. Is there anyone in his place I should be concerned about? Like a village chief or a noble?" The lizard man seemed calm and concerned.
Gideon scratched his stubbled chin. "Nobles run this place, but don't discriminate just stay on the right side of the law and change sides of the road when you see them coming and you'll be fine. Stay away from the brothel as well." Gideon warned. "Both of them if you can help it. But the higher end one for sure. Cost's and arm and a leg, and I'm pretty sure its hexed to make you 'needed' it more then a drunk needs his spirits." he explained.
The lizard man seemed confused by this at first as if he didn't remember what a brothel was, but eventually figured it out. He replied, "Thank you for your wisdom. I will avoid them all together since I lack coin and interest." Then the lizard man pondered for a moment before he asked, "Does this noble ever come around these parts and will we have to pay any tax to him?"
"I don't pay anything." Mallow said.
"I only pay tax to sell alcohol. Family owns the land outright from before the family took over so I don't pay land holdings." Gideon said. "And Mallow lives in the woods and helps the town enough they pretty pretend she dosen't exist out there." he went on. "If you ever got the coin to get a place in town you'd pay them to have the house, but otherwise you're not going to need to worry to much." he told the lizardman.
The lizard man nodded in relief since his memory of nobles was rather unplesant. He recalled nobles being greedy and arrogant jerks who abused their power. He took solace that he could stay under the radar in this place. In the back of his mind he had a concern he could be a wanted man and was on the run from someone dangerous like a Noble. So he would rather not get involved with them if possible. He then replied, "I will heed your wisdom. Just out of curiosity does this place get merchants or others traveling through?"
"Now and then but we're largely on our own out here." Gideon said. "But you'll know when traders come through it's a big deal."
"No offence kid but I got work to do, and looks like Mallow is finished with Cliff. But stop by any time if you want a drink."
Mallow came back up to Ripper. "Ready to go?" she asked. "I want to show you more of town before we need to head back home." she explained. "Well see the market first."
The two headed off towards the market so Ripper could get a lay of the land.