01 - A Late Evening Arrival

3rd of Autumn YSTR 115

“ There is peace to be found in places far removed from the so-called civilized world. A calm in the still air of the marshlands. A quiet that is known only here and in the grave. “

The carriage arrived in the township of Broken wheel well after sunset. The footman appearing a moment later to open the carriage door to announce their arrival.

Stepping down from the carriage An’neer paused, awaiting for the coachman to pull free her belongings from the rack allowing her time enough for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Her fingers drawing away the rogue strands of hair from her face while she absorbed the scene around her.

The carriage had stopped in front of what was most likely the local Inn. The sound of laughter and loud voices escaping the Inn’s open doors while music played in the background.

The locals that she saw appeared to be of a less than friendly sort.

A handful of commoners dressed in mud-covered clothes. Their cold, icy stares followed her every movement as they spoke in hushed tones, turning their gaze elsewhere when her gaze met theirs.

A moment later her belongings were placed on the gravel road beside her by the coachman. The elderly man frowning deeply before he spoke.

“ We’ll be staying here for the night my lady and heading out for Whitecliff in the morning. If all goes as planned we’ll be passing back this way again in two perhaps three weeks time. “ The Coachman offered thoughtfully. “ Most do not find that Broken Wheel all that pleasant so if things don’t work out between you and the young Lord, well … you know my meaning. “

An’neer smiled warmly nodding her understanding.

“ There are worst places one could find themselves.” She mused aloud as her gaze turned to a pair of armed men escorting an elderly steward walking in their direction.

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