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An Early Winter - Prt 04
Ursa Blacksong - 95rd of Autumn YSTR 112
The first snow is like the first love. Snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night will always fill my heart with sweet clarity. The snow doesn't give a soft white damn whom it touches. Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together.
The Wizard Mathus of Highmarch looked every bit the part of a classical Wizard. From his long flowing white beard to the length of his dark arcane robes. Even the staff of office he carried was unremarkable in how remarkable it was.
“ So you’re Sarah’s daughter? “
Mathus said simply looking her over with an appraising eye seemingly from the top of her head to the shoes on her feet before he continued.
“ You can imagine my surprise when that message arrived yesterday requesting my assistance on your behalf.” Mathus paused then thoughtfully before he continued. ” It’s been quite a long time since Sarah has seen fit to make any kind of request of my person in many count of years and yet for you. For you twice in five years it seems. “
“Twice my Lord?” Ursa thought to ask.
The aged wizard nodded. “Indeed, the Ring of Concealment you wear even now to hide the arcane marks that cover your flesh from the prying eyes of the High Priest of the Temple and his worthless lackeys and henchmen.”
Ursa nodded her understanding.” You have my thanks then Master Wizard.”
“ No thanks is needed my dear.” Mathus waved his hand as if the matter was of little importance to him. “ A simple charm infused with a simple glamour really.”
Ursa smiled knowingly. “ A simple charm would not have lasted these past five years Master Wizard. I have no doubt that a great deal of care and effort was put into its creation.”
Mathus smiled nodding his approval. “ So you do know a little something of the Arts I take it?”
“ I am not but a student of the craft. “ Ursa acknowledged knowing she would be a poor guest if she chose to lie to the man. “ I’ve learned a few tricks and charms over the years but all and all I would say that mine is an unremarkable talent at best.”
The Wizard extended his hand for hers.” May I see your hand my child?”
Ursa did as she was bid allowing the Wizard to take her hand in his where he took a moment to examine the unseen marks hidden by the glamour of the ring.
“Yours it seems is an odd mixture of Arcane and Divine magic’s.” Mathus offered softly turning her hand over to examine her palm briefly. “ If I were to guess, I would say a follower of the Black Order.”
To this Ursa said nothing.
Mathus nodded his understanding of her silence as he released her hand from his. “ I too would wish these marks to remain unseen as well if I knew in my heart that the High Priest of the Temple would seek my death upon there discovery.”
“ I am only his enemy by the commandment of the Holy Church.” Ursa said softly.
Mathus shook his head. “ Even if the Church had made no such commandment my dear. You could still count that monster amongst your enemies. It troubles me to admit this but that creature holds only hatred and vice in his heart when he speaks your name.”
Ursa frowned upon hearing his words. “ So he has approached you about me.”
“Indeed.” Mathus nodded. “ Just after your arrival, he approached me to inquire about whatever means or methods could be used to conceal the marks that early witnesses had described seeing on your skin after your arrival. As luck would have it Sarah had already spoken to me at length regarding the matter and requested my aid but I have no doubt the High Priest still suspects that you are not who you seem and even if he did not suspect he secretly holds other less then noble reasons to pursue you.”
Ursa nodded her understanding.
“Enough of these pointless ramblings of an old fool.” Mathus coughed before loudly chastising himself in annoyance “ Sarah told me that you had need of access to my Library to seek out some historical reference regarding some ghostly apparition or some precognitive vision?”
“Indeed.” Ursa nodded stepping closer. “ In my vision, I saw six dark riders seated upon six dark mounts riding along the main road heading north.”
The Wizard grew noticeably pale as she spoke. “ And this vision. You saw it near the Four Corners?”
Ursa nodded.
“Sarah said that one of them spoke to you. What did he say?” Mathus pressed.
“He said that something called to them home, He said it called them North…” Ursa offered softly. “Then he called me little sister and I gather he wanted me to come with them.”
Mathus nodded his understanding motioning Ursa to follow. “ I do believe I might be of some help in this matter. This way my dear I know of the writtings you seek.”