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View character profile for: Draken Sainte

View character profile for: Za'Leer
Draken and Za'Leer
Flying for days, Draken finally landed onto the red sanded ground, before a camp of white and purple tents.
His breath was ragged, he noticed a couple of individuals wear the common attraire of Zatar approaching him, he readied his sword, until he noticed that all the people approaching him were beautiful, pale night elves.
The one leading them was a male night elf, with grey hair and eyes. He was very handsome and muscular, by elf standards. He spoke to his people in elvin, "Stay here, I'll see who he is."
Draken watched as the man approached him, Draken spoke to him in elvin, "I'm just here to take a rest, I'm looking for someone. A half elf, blonde hair, long legs, soft features."
The elf looked at him impressed, "You know Elvish?" Draken gave him a gentle smile, "I was around two moon elves for a few years." The elf looked him up and down before sticking out his hand, "Za'Leer." Draken took his hand and shook it, "Draken Sainte."
The night elves behind Za'Leer watched the two interact, some became a bit tense, othwr relaxed seeing the strange being wasn't being threatening.
Draken quickly explained his situation to Za'Leer who listened intently. "You been flying for days, without rest?"
"Yeah, I have to save my friend from this Lucretia." Za'Leer froze at the mentioned of the slaver, "Sir Draken, I don’t mean to be rude, but Lucretia isn't someone you fight exhausted. You need rest. You can stay here to rest, don't worry, we aren’t as crooked as Zatarans, you won't be murdered in your sleep."
Draken thought for a moment, "You don't have to, it's a kind offer. However I don't think your companions would want me around." Za'Leer looked at the other night elves and back at Draken. "Please, allow me to help. I'll even help you with finding your friend, however I want something."
Draken's eyes widen, "You did know about Lucretia, do you have information about Zatar."
"Oh, I know a lot about Zatar, especially how to sneak someone like you into a city, and no doubt, we will find your friend." Za'Leer smiled.
Draken thought for a moment, "What's your conditions?" The elf smiled in whispered into Draken's ears, the half demon turned red. "I'm not doing that."
Za'Leer shrugged, "My condition still stands." Draken grumbled for a moment, "Once, only once. Do you understand?"
"Very much so." Draken was led into the camp, where he actually got proper rest and food since his departure from Soldor's Bastian. Once he was fed, he was dragged away by Za'Leer into his tent. The other elves knew what was happening in the tent, Draken would keep this secret down to his grave.