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View character profile for: Knights of Sarnia

View character profile for: Orla Carling

View character profile for: Joseph Lithwick
Invoke the cursed mark
Joseph watched as the woman walked to the knights, "What is she doing?" He watched as she spoke with them, maybe they were friendly after all. However his thought process changed very quickly as he watched the knights grab the woman, it finally struck him who these knights were, Witch Hunters. He grimaced at the thought of these cruel enforcers of their ways.
From the back of Joseph's head spoke a voice, one he had never heard. "Purge these humans, slaughter them, by the cursed mark that binds you, lose your humanity and become a demon."
The skeleton ouroboros alighted with a dark purple color, Joseph cried out in pain as it burned. He saw images of a man wandering the lands, golden eyes, people's lives being drained, he saw....death. The cursed mark had invoked, black cracks came from Joseph's eyes as his sclera became black as night, his iris glowed a golden color.
In a trance he grabbed his long sword and slid down the snow. He reached the two nights and spoke in a voice that wasn't his own but at the same time, was his own. "The cycle of the mortal men shall end by my blade. The rise of a new age is beginning, and the end of the old age is arriving." Using the cursed power of the mark, Joseph imbued his sword with it's dark power, causing the blade to glow lightly with the same purple his mark was glowing.
The mark has been invoked.
OOC-(I'm not sure if the Knights are NPCs or not so I'm not going to push my luck. However I will say that after this fight, Joseph gonna be out cold for the day, as well as his mind being open more for the Iron Queen.)